For those of you who didnt know the Va meet was last night an as far as meets go it wasnt to bad not enough people though but those who did show were in great company of our honored guest Lincolnmania.Seeing that it was my first meet and now soon to be many more that shall follow,yall missed one hell of a show with Dave, Natehawk ,Roastdog,Dawg and me,the fireworks really started after the meet when a 89 po package coroners wagon went head to head with the trully awesome cfi of Natehawkand the monster Lincoln it was a threeway dance that took place on Jeff Davis and soon turned into the main event when just two panthers were left ,That was when one hell of a show began blazing down jeff davis and 395 in an out and out slug fest that featured draftin,weavin and long straighta ways with the roar of the exhausts an stereos blarin .Even though my wag lost,I gained more in defeat knowing that she could still hang albeit briefly with Natehawks mod and that a rematch is definetly on in the near future when the Warwagon is returned to that beutiful state of muscle but in the meantime the memorys will last forever of Dmx singing one more road to cross as the needle of my wag dipped low and the tires squealed as the faces of those being passed by what must have fealt like a strong gale force are frozen in time.For all those who havnt been to a meet now is the time this post only gives a taste of the feelings that I felt seeing what my car could and will become and the pure joy of knowing that once it is done she will give me more pleasure in return than what she does now.So with that said I urge all of you sandbaggers or posters to check it out and make some trully worthy memorys (hummin One More Road To Cross)and see what potential your vic or merc has. :chainsaw:
Ps:to my man Natehawk its on next time the gloves will be off and I will use the lights and sirens to ensure my victory
Ps:to my man Natehawk its on next time the gloves will be off and I will use the lights and sirens to ensure my victory