My '88 TC has developed some maddening electrical problems that I've been unable to diagnose/repair. Hoping there are brighter minds than mine here who can figure out what the h*ll is going on. Here's what I'm dealing with:
Problem 1: Power window switch on driver's door works intermittently. When not working, the door marker lights come on when I hit the switch. If I open the door, I can raise/lower the window. Have replaced all 4 window motors, and master switch appears to be in good condition. No rhyme/reason as to when this happens, but it does seem to be worse when it's warmer outside (I live in St. Louis, so "warmer" is relative).
Problem 2: Horn kept blowing fuses, and discovered that a penny had found it's way into the lighter receptacle in the ashtray (I use it for change). Removed the penny, replaced the horn relay...and the horn wouldn't turn off. Purchased a NOS horn pad switch on eBay, hooked it up...and the damn horn is still stuck. Bought another relay--and the damn horn is STILL stuck. Disconnected the horns and gave up.
I've owned the car for six years, and haven't messed with anything that could have caused these issues. Not a clue as to what I should do next, so any/all advice is appreciated!
Problem 1: Power window switch on driver's door works intermittently. When not working, the door marker lights come on when I hit the switch. If I open the door, I can raise/lower the window. Have replaced all 4 window motors, and master switch appears to be in good condition. No rhyme/reason as to when this happens, but it does seem to be worse when it's warmer outside (I live in St. Louis, so "warmer" is relative).
Problem 2: Horn kept blowing fuses, and discovered that a penny had found it's way into the lighter receptacle in the ashtray (I use it for change). Removed the penny, replaced the horn relay...and the horn wouldn't turn off. Purchased a NOS horn pad switch on eBay, hooked it up...and the damn horn is still stuck. Bought another relay--and the damn horn is STILL stuck. Disconnected the horns and gave up.

I've owned the car for six years, and haven't messed with anything that could have caused these issues. Not a clue as to what I should do next, so any/all advice is appreciated!