Engine hot. Blower barely working and putting out minimal heat. ????
Engine cold not running = Blower full speed on defrosters. ????
Max Blower Speed/Hot/Vent Selected.
I am getting full blower speed at the defrosters when the engine is up to temp and running. Why is this? Yesterday I was driving at full temperature I could barely get a breeze of air from the vents or the defroster. With the engine off and cold, the blower motor blows full speed, but only comes out the defrost.
I thought this was low vacuum related if the problem occurred when the engine is running, but it's doing it even with the engine off, so is low vacuum still supposed to be a factor? The system should be designed to operate with no vacuum if the engine is off correct?
Cabin Air temp Sensor- Could this cause the blower to blow out the defrosters while on vent setting?
Blender Door- I don't know much about the blender door.
Low Vacuum- Why would low vacuum cause eratic issues such as blowing from the defroster on vent setting even when the car is not running? Vacuum should not be expected.
Thermal Blower Lockout- This is the switch that runs inline with the heater pipes. I have it disconnected and both vacuum feeds plugged up/
Engine cold not running = Blower full speed on defrosters. ????
Max Blower Speed/Hot/Vent Selected.
I am getting full blower speed at the defrosters when the engine is up to temp and running. Why is this? Yesterday I was driving at full temperature I could barely get a breeze of air from the vents or the defroster. With the engine off and cold, the blower motor blows full speed, but only comes out the defrost.
I thought this was low vacuum related if the problem occurred when the engine is running, but it's doing it even with the engine off, so is low vacuum still supposed to be a factor? The system should be designed to operate with no vacuum if the engine is off correct?
Cabin Air temp Sensor- Could this cause the blower to blow out the defrosters while on vent setting?
Blender Door- I don't know much about the blender door.
Low Vacuum- Why would low vacuum cause eratic issues such as blowing from the defroster on vent setting even when the car is not running? Vacuum should not be expected.
Thermal Blower Lockout- This is the switch that runs inline with the heater pipes. I have it disconnected and both vacuum feeds plugged up/