Hello, I have just purchased a 1987 2door Grand Marquis. It is a great car; sharp as a pin and smooth as sand. The previous owner kept it in amazing shape. He claims it was a senior citizen's car before him. Within these few weeks of owning it I have fell in love with it as it has replaced my MM for daily driving duties. Included is a couple of showcase pictures. I will try to get some more of the interior. I have some big plans for it such as HO conversion and slick top conversion. Can someone tell me if the headlight door/cover for the '79 Grand Marquis will fit over the 87 headlights? I am a fan of the hideaway lights.And now I present to you...

Time to draw 401K DTR

P.S.:More to come soon.....

Time to draw 401K DTR

P.S.:More to come soon.....