So I thought my single tone light grey door panels were a bit on the boring side on the 99 GM.
I'd been looking in junkyards for the past year or so for a complete set of 2 tone grey door panels from a mid 90s GM to swap in for a bit more pazaze. I finally found a set in Ontario, and shipped them to Nova Scotia. After a bit of modification on the rear ones (wood inserts were fused in instead of screwed), I got the job done, and I must say I think it's a big improvement. The darker grey matches the origional dash colour, so there's some continuity to it all.
I also got an extra set of trim pieces around the window switches hydro dipped in a similar wood grain pattern to the rest of the interior. The pattern and colour isn't exact, but not bad. If I have the money, I may have all the wood pieces dipped to match. But realistically, that won't happen.
Another project I did a while ago was swap out the flat black shifter, tilt adjustment and windshield wiper switch with crome ones. The shifter and wiper switch came from a pre 99 Crown Vic or Grand Marquis, and the tilt lever came from an early 90s Town Car.
Future projects are replacing the horn button with one from an 04 with the coloured Mercury symbol (as opposed to the embossed one on my car), and maybe new two tone seats. (They're bloody expensive to get done though. Like $1500). Also, custom luxury floor mats are probably in the future somewhere.
Anyway, for your viewing pleasure. My camera battery is dead, so I'll add pictures of the wood trim and chrome shifter soon.
I'd been looking in junkyards for the past year or so for a complete set of 2 tone grey door panels from a mid 90s GM to swap in for a bit more pazaze. I finally found a set in Ontario, and shipped them to Nova Scotia. After a bit of modification on the rear ones (wood inserts were fused in instead of screwed), I got the job done, and I must say I think it's a big improvement. The darker grey matches the origional dash colour, so there's some continuity to it all.
I also got an extra set of trim pieces around the window switches hydro dipped in a similar wood grain pattern to the rest of the interior. The pattern and colour isn't exact, but not bad. If I have the money, I may have all the wood pieces dipped to match. But realistically, that won't happen.
Another project I did a while ago was swap out the flat black shifter, tilt adjustment and windshield wiper switch with crome ones. The shifter and wiper switch came from a pre 99 Crown Vic or Grand Marquis, and the tilt lever came from an early 90s Town Car.
Future projects are replacing the horn button with one from an 04 with the coloured Mercury symbol (as opposed to the embossed one on my car), and maybe new two tone seats. (They're bloody expensive to get done though. Like $1500). Also, custom luxury floor mats are probably in the future somewhere.
Anyway, for your viewing pleasure. My camera battery is dead, so I'll add pictures of the wood trim and chrome shifter soon.