Dear Panthers,
I'm two time zones from home, in western north dakota dog trialing and the other day my driver's window wouldn't roll up. 4:30 on the Saturday of memorial day weekend, in a tiny dakota town. Well the window had to go up even if I had too leave it up. I have a tool kit but no ratchet so I raced to the hardware store for ratchet - and in case that failed, clear plastic and duct tape.
I've had motors fail before and usually they go slow and noisily. This went without noise. When I threw the switch I heard a faint click, no better. Well I got most of the panel off, enough to get a hand in there but the window wouldnt't budge. Enough is enough. I took everything worth stealing into my motel room and figured Sunday I'd ask the trial host if he had a ranch shop so I could disassemble the whole door.
On the way to the ranch I hit the button and it worked fine. Tried it a couple times, rolled up and down, silently, like a good window. Well, I'm a long way from home so I ordered a new motor from Pete Veitch and I'll leave the damn window up until I get home.
But I'd appreciate your suggestions what the trouble might be.
I hit a deer fifteen minutes after leaving home -3 am -three weeks ago and wrecked the front of the car. Radiators were okay and I had three headlights which are plenty going through West Virginia, so I kept on trucking. In Wisconsin I had a mechanic jury rig something so I had four headlights, more or less aimed. He told me I had a short somewhere in the front - kept arcing.
Might that have something to do with it?
Donald McCaig
I'm two time zones from home, in western north dakota dog trialing and the other day my driver's window wouldn't roll up. 4:30 on the Saturday of memorial day weekend, in a tiny dakota town. Well the window had to go up even if I had too leave it up. I have a tool kit but no ratchet so I raced to the hardware store for ratchet - and in case that failed, clear plastic and duct tape.
I've had motors fail before and usually they go slow and noisily. This went without noise. When I threw the switch I heard a faint click, no better. Well I got most of the panel off, enough to get a hand in there but the window wouldnt't budge. Enough is enough. I took everything worth stealing into my motel room and figured Sunday I'd ask the trial host if he had a ranch shop so I could disassemble the whole door.
On the way to the ranch I hit the button and it worked fine. Tried it a couple times, rolled up and down, silently, like a good window. Well, I'm a long way from home so I ordered a new motor from Pete Veitch and I'll leave the damn window up until I get home.
But I'd appreciate your suggestions what the trouble might be.
I hit a deer fifteen minutes after leaving home -3 am -three weeks ago and wrecked the front of the car. Radiators were okay and I had three headlights which are plenty going through West Virginia, so I kept on trucking. In Wisconsin I had a mechanic jury rig something so I had four headlights, more or less aimed. He told me I had a short somewhere in the front - kept arcing.
Might that have something to do with it?
Donald McCaig