Just as I did for my Mercury, here I will make a dedicated thread to document progress for my 1994 Crown Victoria for your viewing pleasure.
I bought this car in late 2019. We have had what could be called a slightly tumultuous relationship, LOL.
I bought the car from a major dealer that received the car and planned on wholesaling it. It had:
-busted out passenger window
-worn suspension and brakes
-broken headlight switch
-leaking power steering pump
-bald tires
-zero working window regulators (surprise)
.... but was otherwise clean. I drove it around for a bit, then it sat for a while. Eventually I started driving it again so I got new tires and some front end work done. Then I turned in the license plate and parked it for a couple of months at a company warehouse and the car was vandalized. It had it’s catalytic converters stolen off of it and the fuel lines cut.
After that I ended up towing the car to a shop to have the fuel lines replaced and new converters put on. I re-insured the car and got another license plate for it. I began driving it around again and in late 2021 a friend of mine asked me to sell it to him. I was kind of reluctant but he was in need of a vehicle so I did. A couple of weeks ago I asked him to sell it back to me; he agreed and I bought the car back at the same price, so now it’s back in the stable — hopefully for good.
Excerpts from original thread:
Car as it is now:

Older pics:

(Sorry, most of the only remaining photos I have are hosted on Supermotors and are of horrible quality)

I bought this car in late 2019. We have had what could be called a slightly tumultuous relationship, LOL.
I bought the car from a major dealer that received the car and planned on wholesaling it. It had:
-busted out passenger window
-worn suspension and brakes
-broken headlight switch
-leaking power steering pump
-bald tires
-zero working window regulators (surprise)
.... but was otherwise clean. I drove it around for a bit, then it sat for a while. Eventually I started driving it again so I got new tires and some front end work done. Then I turned in the license plate and parked it for a couple of months at a company warehouse and the car was vandalized. It had it’s catalytic converters stolen off of it and the fuel lines cut.
After that I ended up towing the car to a shop to have the fuel lines replaced and new converters put on. I re-insured the car and got another license plate for it. I began driving it around again and in late 2021 a friend of mine asked me to sell it to him. I was kind of reluctant but he was in need of a vehicle so I did. A couple of weeks ago I asked him to sell it back to me; he agreed and I bought the car back at the same price, so now it’s back in the stable — hopefully for good.
Excerpts from original thread:
So the story goes as such... last few weeks I've been searching the local classifieds and car websites for panthers (and generally speaking, just older cars regardless of brand) for sale. Yea, a pretty bad thing to do when you're not really in a position to buy another car, but I digress.
Fast forward to a few nights ago. Despite refreshing the CarGuru search every day for the last few weeks and nothing new popping up, when I checked the listings, something caught my eye. a 1994 CVLX was listed at a major dealership literally right down the street from where I work! It did strike me as odd, as this dealership is high-volume in moving new cars.. obviously this car was a trade in they must have accepted. I go by and the car is nowhere in sight. I talk to the salesman and he says he's never seen the car before... seems like the car is a ghost. He explains to me the car probably doesn't exist, and that it's listing was likely a mistake. He tells me to leave my contact information just in case. I walk away empty handed...
Later that night, just as they're closing up, he calls me up. He found the car, but there's a few problems. One issue is the passenger side glass is completely busted out, and they've got a makeshift 'window' taped in its place. The real issue, is that because the car is so old, they don't want to sell it outright ! He tells me that he won't be able to sell the car because they didn't check it out or anything, and that to sell it retail, they have to inspect it, which costs money, etc etc etc.. they really don't care about it, they just want to ship it out wholesale. I told him I didn't give a damn about any of that. I want the car. After a little back n forth with him and his manager, he agrees to let me come see it.
So I went in checked it out. It's beautiful. As soon as I saw it, I knew I had to have it. I wasn't going to let them talk me out of buying it. Once they saw I was serious about buying it on the spot, the salesman offered to let me take it on a test drive. They had to move a bunch of cars as it was crammed in the back with a bunch of junkers waiting to get wholesaled. The car starts right up, sounds beautiful. Once I got it on the road, my first observation was that it literally drives like a cloud, butter smooth. After some persuasion, and negotiating, I got them to agree to sell it to me.. at a reasonable price.
Fast forward to a few nights ago. Despite refreshing the CarGuru search every day for the last few weeks and nothing new popping up, when I checked the listings, something caught my eye. a 1994 CVLX was listed at a major dealership literally right down the street from where I work! It did strike me as odd, as this dealership is high-volume in moving new cars.. obviously this car was a trade in they must have accepted. I go by and the car is nowhere in sight. I talk to the salesman and he says he's never seen the car before... seems like the car is a ghost. He explains to me the car probably doesn't exist, and that it's listing was likely a mistake. He tells me to leave my contact information just in case. I walk away empty handed...
Later that night, just as they're closing up, he calls me up. He found the car, but there's a few problems. One issue is the passenger side glass is completely busted out, and they've got a makeshift 'window' taped in its place. The real issue, is that because the car is so old, they don't want to sell it outright ! He tells me that he won't be able to sell the car because they didn't check it out or anything, and that to sell it retail, they have to inspect it, which costs money, etc etc etc.. they really don't care about it, they just want to ship it out wholesale. I told him I didn't give a damn about any of that. I want the car. After a little back n forth with him and his manager, he agrees to let me come see it.
So I went in checked it out. It's beautiful. As soon as I saw it, I knew I had to have it. I wasn't going to let them talk me out of buying it. Once they saw I was serious about buying it on the spot, the salesman offered to let me take it on a test drive. They had to move a bunch of cars as it was crammed in the back with a bunch of junkers waiting to get wholesaled. The car starts right up, sounds beautiful. Once I got it on the road, my first observation was that it literally drives like a cloud, butter smooth. After some persuasion, and negotiating, I got them to agree to sell it to me.. at a reasonable price.
Car as it is now:

Older pics:

(Sorry, most of the only remaining photos I have are hosted on Supermotors and are of horrible quality)
