If you ever read some of the factory NVH fix stuff its honestly not much different than what you did. Usually involves putting tape or foam between parts so they can't touch or something equally hacky.
I have an exhaust fan at work that the guard rattles like a bastard on. The fix we came up with years ago is a piece of stiff cardboard wedged between the edge of the two sections of guard so they can't bang against one another. We had an auditor tell us it looked bad and should be removed. I yanked it out so he understood why it was there. The suggestion was dropped.
I have an exhaust fan at work that the guard rattles like a bastard on. The fix we came up with years ago is a piece of stiff cardboard wedged between the edge of the two sections of guard so they can't bang against one another. We had an auditor tell us it looked bad and should be removed. I yanked it out so he understood why it was there. The suggestion was dropped.