Originally posted by gadget73
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The Hella E-codes from Summit are on, and not a moment too soon, because the second 4000 burned out as I was leaving to go get bulbs to put in the new housings. They cast what I'd call very even light with a great cutoff. It's not just all a big puddle of light right in front of the car anymore. I used Sylvania's "basic" 9003 bulbs, nothing fancy, just needed functional lighting.
I had to cut some metal out of the headlight buckets so the rubber boot on the back of the Hellas would fit in place, which is important because the lamp is not watertight without the seal in place. I also had to move a couple terminals around as is documented elsewhere already.
While in there, I also moved the diodes for the headlamp door setup to the trigger side of the relays instead of the switched side. In doing so I've introduced a new weird problem. I'm suspecting the headlamp door box must have a capacitor in it because now something is back-feeding the relay for the low beams keeping the lights on for about 5 seconds even if autolamp is off (keep in mind I did the latter of Sly's remark below)
Originally posted by sly
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Still need to perfect the aim but things are working well, I'd say.