I've finally managed to get one bay of my garage into usable shape. This has been complicated by the fact that I didn't get my garden shed put together before winter, so one bay of the garage has been full of stuff that goes in a shed, and the other bay has been full of the shed, still in its box. Plus all the miscellaneous clutter.
Tight-ish squeeze if I want to work on things in-depth, but it's a functional space. On the bright side, the Acclaim will be all "hotdog in a hallway" when it moves in.
The first car in the new-to-me garage is the wagon. This wasn't going to be the case, but I took it up the block for a brief drive, and was reminded of a few annoyances I want to address:
Yep, that's broken.
The plastic tube broke ages ago, and I guess the edge of the break frayed the inner cable until it snapped.
Leaving this out of the car until I sort out the squeak. Will only install it when it's a little warmer, too, because I'll hate myself if I crack that new-old-stock plastic.
Part number for the sake of Googlers: D9AZ-7E363-A
Squeak and booster issues to be addressed another day.
Tight-ish squeeze if I want to work on things in-depth, but it's a functional space. On the bright side, the Acclaim will be all "hotdog in a hallway" when it moves in.
The first car in the new-to-me garage is the wagon. This wasn't going to be the case, but I took it up the block for a brief drive, and was reminded of a few annoyances I want to address:
- There is a horrendous squeak sound from the left side of the dashboard, seemingly near the top, near the A-pillar. This sound can't really be reproduced by hitting or shaking anything, but road vibrations reveal it.
- There is an awful rubber squishing sound coming from the reman brake booster, and I would like to at least look at it to see if I can quiet it. It also doesn't feel quite right (too squishy, assist feels a little weak) so I might put the original back on, since I know it's hanging around in storage. A quick sandblast and paint job would achieve most of what I was after with the reman anyway.
- The transmission range indicator cable snapped, and I recently scooped a NOS one thanks to 87gtVic in his finds thread.
Yep, that's broken.
The plastic tube broke ages ago, and I guess the edge of the break frayed the inner cable until it snapped.
Leaving this out of the car until I sort out the squeak. Will only install it when it's a little warmer, too, because I'll hate myself if I crack that new-old-stock plastic.
Part number for the sake of Googlers: D9AZ-7E363-A
Squeak and booster issues to be addressed another day.