Hello, after posting a lot here I decided maybe it was time for me to.. umm.. post in here since I've kind of have invaded your forum and you guys have yet to give me a swift boot in the ass.
I drive a blue 1986 crown victoria.
*takes a deep breath* The story of how I ended up with this car all starts off with the story of my first "Driver" car. A 2001 red saturn sc2 that is a decommissioned kicker show car.
Well for those of you who know saturns.. The car has the wonderful reverse slam issue, aka a failing valve body in the automatic transmission due to NOBODY FREAKING FLUSHING THE GOD DAMN THING IN 16x,xxx miles! Some days it would work fine. some days it would stall. Others it was sunshine unicorns and rainbows flying out out the plastic barbie's car interior as I am rocking away with a nice sound system.
However, the days got worse and worse. I was driving more and more and I was starting to get paranoid of the cars ability to get me from point A to B. So I started looking at other cars. Here's the deal,I am 21 and I detest modern cars. I hate them. I work with them, they are cramped, made out of plastic and so many of them feel like a phone booth or a public restroom. I prefer the feel of older cars every day of the week. So I needed a daily driver, yet I needed something that would be a real car compared to a plastic saturn. I look over craigslist and I can't find anything that seems right. There's nothing that screams "HOLY SHIT BALLS I MUST HAVE THIS."
It is Nov, I am in work, and an old lady comes in with a car. She calls it an LTD the service writer calls it a crown victoria. I get handed the keys. I go outside and it see it parked in the handicap spot. A pristine 1989 Crown Victoria LX black with every option ticked that was able to be ticked. Car was MINT cherry and apparently unkept by her late husband. I sat down in the car rolled down the window and drove into the garage with one finger on the steering wheel. The younger kids were confused by it, the older guys were like THIS IS A CAR. I loved it. The big bench seat the massive engine, It was a beauty. Now i would love to wrap up the story saying THIS IS THE CAR I GOT, but sadly, (or maybe not) this isn't the car I got. No that black one planted the seed for me.
My car came to my attention via craigslist. There was nothing in the 1950's in DD status on craigslist, or the 1960s, the 1970's cost more then the 1960's go figure. So I step it up to 1980's and I sort via price. On craigslist there is an ad for a 1986 crown victoria for 1000 american dollars. I think about it, I think about, a week later I decided it was time to contact the person and ask some questions. There were no pictures on the ad so I straight up ask for pictures over the phone. I get them. the car is blue, the car's interior looks to be beautiful. The listing is for a city that's only a highway shot away. Destiny is before me. I tell a family friend who knows fords about it. I get information about it from him, and a ford mechanic at my work who has been in the scene for 40 years. I gather up what to look for, and I go see it.
This is the car I am greeted with (these are the pictures I received actually.)

I see it parked in snow. it is January 15th. It was just -27 a few days ago it is freaking cold. My fiancee and I go up. I wanted her as a backup a second set of eyes and opinion since if I get this car her ass is going to be in the passenger seat. So i park the saturn and before I knock on the door I give it a once over. I jump into the snow and check out the car. I go around seeing if there's any obvious signs of GTFO RUN AWAY! I see nothing. So we go up and knock on the door. An old man greets us and grabs the keys and takes us to it. We try to get the door open. They're locked and frozen shut. So he grabs a heat gun as his grandson comes over since it was "his" car apparently. As they're doing this am being super critical thinking of every reason to say NO to buying this car I was being picky as shit. I was nit picking everything. We finally get into the car after the lock wasn't working (turns out we're all retards and it unlocks by turning the other way
I sit in it I get the door open for my fiancee I pop open the hood and I take a peak under it I'm checking out fluids. I'm seeing if there's sign of the neglect I basically go through what I would do at work. Everything is great. We get in it we ask if we can take it out for a spin. I get the Okay and I go for it. We drive over the snow bank and down the icy street. as we're driving the car is steering great. Everything is great the freaking god damn clock in the dash is working! I have my fiancee dig through the glovebox to see if there's anything. She finds an original bill of sale for 500$ I decide it was time to test the brakes and see if the car can stop. I stomp on the and my fiancee is nearly launched up through the windshield. The seatbelts work! Everything was right. I bring the car back and we start talking. I point out every freaking flaw with the car and we do the haggling dance.
They start out at 1000$ I am no way in hell going to pay that. I point out the rust in the trunk (News to them! They had no idea it was there) the missing trim, the surface rust, the fact I need to do X Y and ZED to it. So I point blank ask them what's their lowest they come back with 800 I low ball for 500$, They come back with 750$ I say 550$ they just give each other a look of defeat. Their shoulders slack and they both look at each other and say "Have a heart would you do 600$"
Sold! That's the price I wanted to pay!
I had 6 100's in an envelope. Now here's where the charisma test comes in. My fiancee doesn't have a license. My hotrod ford buddy canceled out and called my parents(parents NOT HAPPY WITH ME. No way in hell they would help with this.) a few days ago. Now heres the issue I just a bought a car I have no way to get it back. What do I do? I ask them if one of them would be wiling to drive the car back for me to my place and I would give them a ride back.
They agreed!
600$ delivered to my fiancee's house.
I get the car home get some geico insurance on it. Then I have her mother help me get it back. Everybody is impressed with the car because of how "clean" it is for a MN car. My parents are in pure freaking horror I bought this thing. but life moves on and they have forgiven me. that same day they all wanted a ride in it.
Now for what the journey of madness entails. How I got here. My car was having issues starting. It just died one day.. it would stall out and things weren't being happy. We broke down twice, and things were dicey. At first we thought it was a fuel filter, I got an account set up at the CVN but they were so slow to respond so I had no idea wtf was wrong with the car. It was acting like a fuel delivery issue. It seems like the fuel pump was out! So I replaced that, Turns out that wasn't the issue.(I find this place, so I start posting) I replace the ignition coil (Ford mechanic recommendation).. wasn't that. The TFI replaced (By your guys recommendation) wasn't that. My power steering pump explodes and I limp it with a lead foot to a local mechanic. Local mechanic can't get it out of his shop. he installs a new part
Yupe Dizzy pick up. So after that I get the car back and life is good. Until the motorcraft TFI fails and I end up putting back on the aftermarket TFI that came with the car.. Life is good again...

I drive a blue 1986 crown victoria.
*takes a deep breath* The story of how I ended up with this car all starts off with the story of my first "Driver" car. A 2001 red saturn sc2 that is a decommissioned kicker show car.

However, the days got worse and worse. I was driving more and more and I was starting to get paranoid of the cars ability to get me from point A to B. So I started looking at other cars. Here's the deal,I am 21 and I detest modern cars. I hate them. I work with them, they are cramped, made out of plastic and so many of them feel like a phone booth or a public restroom. I prefer the feel of older cars every day of the week. So I needed a daily driver, yet I needed something that would be a real car compared to a plastic saturn. I look over craigslist and I can't find anything that seems right. There's nothing that screams "HOLY SHIT BALLS I MUST HAVE THIS."
It is Nov, I am in work, and an old lady comes in with a car. She calls it an LTD the service writer calls it a crown victoria. I get handed the keys. I go outside and it see it parked in the handicap spot. A pristine 1989 Crown Victoria LX black with every option ticked that was able to be ticked. Car was MINT cherry and apparently unkept by her late husband. I sat down in the car rolled down the window and drove into the garage with one finger on the steering wheel. The younger kids were confused by it, the older guys were like THIS IS A CAR. I loved it. The big bench seat the massive engine, It was a beauty. Now i would love to wrap up the story saying THIS IS THE CAR I GOT, but sadly, (or maybe not) this isn't the car I got. No that black one planted the seed for me.
My car came to my attention via craigslist. There was nothing in the 1950's in DD status on craigslist, or the 1960s, the 1970's cost more then the 1960's go figure. So I step it up to 1980's and I sort via price. On craigslist there is an ad for a 1986 crown victoria for 1000 american dollars. I think about it, I think about, a week later I decided it was time to contact the person and ask some questions. There were no pictures on the ad so I straight up ask for pictures over the phone. I get them. the car is blue, the car's interior looks to be beautiful. The listing is for a city that's only a highway shot away. Destiny is before me. I tell a family friend who knows fords about it. I get information about it from him, and a ford mechanic at my work who has been in the scene for 40 years. I gather up what to look for, and I go see it.
This is the car I am greeted with (these are the pictures I received actually.)
I see it parked in snow. it is January 15th. It was just -27 a few days ago it is freaking cold. My fiancee and I go up. I wanted her as a backup a second set of eyes and opinion since if I get this car her ass is going to be in the passenger seat. So i park the saturn and before I knock on the door I give it a once over. I jump into the snow and check out the car. I go around seeing if there's any obvious signs of GTFO RUN AWAY! I see nothing. So we go up and knock on the door. An old man greets us and grabs the keys and takes us to it. We try to get the door open. They're locked and frozen shut. So he grabs a heat gun as his grandson comes over since it was "his" car apparently. As they're doing this am being super critical thinking of every reason to say NO to buying this car I was being picky as shit. I was nit picking everything. We finally get into the car after the lock wasn't working (turns out we're all retards and it unlocks by turning the other way

I sit in it I get the door open for my fiancee I pop open the hood and I take a peak under it I'm checking out fluids. I'm seeing if there's sign of the neglect I basically go through what I would do at work. Everything is great. We get in it we ask if we can take it out for a spin. I get the Okay and I go for it. We drive over the snow bank and down the icy street. as we're driving the car is steering great. Everything is great the freaking god damn clock in the dash is working! I have my fiancee dig through the glovebox to see if there's anything. She finds an original bill of sale for 500$ I decide it was time to test the brakes and see if the car can stop. I stomp on the and my fiancee is nearly launched up through the windshield. The seatbelts work! Everything was right. I bring the car back and we start talking. I point out every freaking flaw with the car and we do the haggling dance.
They start out at 1000$ I am no way in hell going to pay that. I point out the rust in the trunk (News to them! They had no idea it was there) the missing trim, the surface rust, the fact I need to do X Y and ZED to it. So I point blank ask them what's their lowest they come back with 800 I low ball for 500$, They come back with 750$ I say 550$ they just give each other a look of defeat. Their shoulders slack and they both look at each other and say "Have a heart would you do 600$"
Sold! That's the price I wanted to pay!

They agreed!
600$ delivered to my fiancee's house.

Now for what the journey of madness entails. How I got here. My car was having issues starting. It just died one day.. it would stall out and things weren't being happy. We broke down twice, and things were dicey. At first we thought it was a fuel filter, I got an account set up at the CVN but they were so slow to respond so I had no idea wtf was wrong with the car. It was acting like a fuel delivery issue. It seems like the fuel pump was out! So I replaced that, Turns out that wasn't the issue.(I find this place, so I start posting) I replace the ignition coil (Ford mechanic recommendation).. wasn't that. The TFI replaced (By your guys recommendation) wasn't that. My power steering pump explodes and I limp it with a lead foot to a local mechanic. Local mechanic can't get it out of his shop. he installs a new part
Yupe Dizzy pick up. So after that I get the car back and life is good. Until the motorcraft TFI fails and I end up putting back on the aftermarket TFI that came with the car.. Life is good again...