Did some stuff to this today.
Washed it (carport life = bird poop).
New to this car headlights, junkyard finds. Low beams are Sylvania “Performance” and highs are typical Sylvania “halogen”.


This one fell part upon touching it.

Almost put 91 clears in but decided that would ruin the 1990 character.
Then replaced an exhaust hanger isolator. Needed two which I didn’t realize until I got under there. Will have to get another to complete the job, but one is doing it for now.

Do you 90-91 owners have a spring for the parking brake in this area? My 88 does. I think this may be my parking brake problem. Used a drum brake spring. It didn’t do well - stretched too much upon application of the brake.

Next up new to this car shocks. Newish Gabriel Ultras I pulled from the junkyard a while back. The first one sucked, like an hour an a half of struggle. Then I realized there was a nut on the top of the body of the shock. So the next one came out in three minutes easy peasy. These were original, with a 1990 part number. I don’t know if the earlier cars had them or not. I don’t remember my 82 having these when I pulled the original shocks. Certainly handy if your car has these.

Anti seize everything.

Then adjusted the transmission gear selector linkage. It was loose. Much better shifter feel. Don’t have to go to 1 to get OD and don’t skip reverse any more.
Next up baby rear sway bar install. Had to drill the two holes. Used a 15/32 bit. Not as bad as I figured. I suppose I could install an Aero P71 or HPP rear bar on this machine if I find one. Then install both... food for thought.

Busy day.
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Washed it (carport life = bird poop).
New to this car headlights, junkyard finds. Low beams are Sylvania “Performance” and highs are typical Sylvania “halogen”.


This one fell part upon touching it.

Almost put 91 clears in but decided that would ruin the 1990 character.
Then replaced an exhaust hanger isolator. Needed two which I didn’t realize until I got under there. Will have to get another to complete the job, but one is doing it for now.

Do you 90-91 owners have a spring for the parking brake in this area? My 88 does. I think this may be my parking brake problem. Used a drum brake spring. It didn’t do well - stretched too much upon application of the brake.

Next up new to this car shocks. Newish Gabriel Ultras I pulled from the junkyard a while back. The first one sucked, like an hour an a half of struggle. Then I realized there was a nut on the top of the body of the shock. So the next one came out in three minutes easy peasy. These were original, with a 1990 part number. I don’t know if the earlier cars had them or not. I don’t remember my 82 having these when I pulled the original shocks. Certainly handy if your car has these.

Anti seize everything.

Then adjusted the transmission gear selector linkage. It was loose. Much better shifter feel. Don’t have to go to 1 to get OD and don’t skip reverse any more.
Next up baby rear sway bar install. Had to drill the two holes. Used a 15/32 bit. Not as bad as I figured. I suppose I could install an Aero P71 or HPP rear bar on this machine if I find one. Then install both... food for thought.

Busy day.
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