Ah, yes, the inertia switch. I'll be checking that first of course.
Then I'll check for voltage at the connector above the tank, to see if the problem is at the tank or ahead of it. If it's ahead, I'll look into the relay. If it's behind, I'll have to drop the tank and check out the connector on the pump and finally the pump.
Due to the course of events, I have a sinking feeling the pump is no good.
It had a "Made in China" sticker on it.
Nuff said. LOL
Then I'll check for voltage at the connector above the tank, to see if the problem is at the tank or ahead of it. If it's ahead, I'll look into the relay. If it's behind, I'll have to drop the tank and check out the connector on the pump and finally the pump.
Due to the course of events, I have a sinking feeling the pump is no good.
It had a "Made in China" sticker on it.
Nuff said. LOL