Here is a couple of picture od the 1985 Country Squire I picked up. Its a good running tight car with only 82000 miles on it. The bottom side of this car looks brand new. I'm going to start a build thread on this car, hopefully I can move it along quickly.
The passenger side had A little road rash
Pulled the dents and dress it down. Will put a light coat od fiberglass on it to fill the holes I used to pull then dents. After that I'll dress it out with a little bondo.
Heres a rust spot on the passenger door. look like the paneling pulled up and held water under it.
I dressed it down, but I'll have to hit it with the sandblaster to keep it from coming back.
Heres a great way to pull trim off. Two wrenches and wire. Guitar string works better, but this is all I had. Using a knife you can cut the metal and pulling it off you can put a spot in the metal. So I found this to be my best option.
I'll try to keep this updated the best I can.
The passenger side had A little road rash
Pulled the dents and dress it down. Will put a light coat od fiberglass on it to fill the holes I used to pull then dents. After that I'll dress it out with a little bondo.
Heres a rust spot on the passenger door. look like the paneling pulled up and held water under it.
I dressed it down, but I'll have to hit it with the sandblaster to keep it from coming back.
Heres a great way to pull trim off. Two wrenches and wire. Guitar string works better, but this is all I had. Using a knife you can cut the metal and pulling it off you can put a spot in the metal. So I found this to be my best option.
I'll try to keep this updated the best I can.