Well, I finally got around to uploading the pics of the car, that I took a few weeks ago. So, I figured I would post them on here for anyone interested.
This is my newly aquired 1997 Town Car Cartier. I ran into this gem in late feb over tha interwebs. Normally I would not go forward with such a purchase as I did but, I went with my gut feeling. Being from Ontario, Canada, there is not much available so, I started searching cross border. After two months of searching, this car poped up in Virginia Beach. It had a couple minior problems but, has an awsome history and lots of records to follow. So in march, I made the deal with the very nice gentleman and had the car shipped up in april. After getting the car, I proceeded to fix what was wrong and do some maintanance stuff. Main issue, the original intake was cracked at the heater hose nipple. So, I replaced the intake. At the same time, I did the water pump, by-pass tube, coolant flush, spark plugs and plug wires. It was a bonus that it came with a fresh oil change and all filters were changed. Also, new rear air bags were installed, along with a complete new fuel pump and sender at a ford dealer. Now, just before I put this car on the road in late april, I had sold my 1980 Lincoln Mark VI. I really miss the car but, I needed something that was in good shape and good on parts, since I need to down size to one all year daily driver. I was thinking I may have some regrets after this transission into an aero panther but, so far I have non against this town car. But any-who, some pics!
I was missing a center cap on the front wheel, so a mark VIII cap has to work for now. Gabe was able to find me a pair of caps, which are in the mail right now. So, I thank him very much!
When I get time, I will get better pics with my camera. Right now, these will have to do lol.
This is my newly aquired 1997 Town Car Cartier. I ran into this gem in late feb over tha interwebs. Normally I would not go forward with such a purchase as I did but, I went with my gut feeling. Being from Ontario, Canada, there is not much available so, I started searching cross border. After two months of searching, this car poped up in Virginia Beach. It had a couple minior problems but, has an awsome history and lots of records to follow. So in march, I made the deal with the very nice gentleman and had the car shipped up in april. After getting the car, I proceeded to fix what was wrong and do some maintanance stuff. Main issue, the original intake was cracked at the heater hose nipple. So, I replaced the intake. At the same time, I did the water pump, by-pass tube, coolant flush, spark plugs and plug wires. It was a bonus that it came with a fresh oil change and all filters were changed. Also, new rear air bags were installed, along with a complete new fuel pump and sender at a ford dealer. Now, just before I put this car on the road in late april, I had sold my 1980 Lincoln Mark VI. I really miss the car but, I needed something that was in good shape and good on parts, since I need to down size to one all year daily driver. I was thinking I may have some regrets after this transission into an aero panther but, so far I have non against this town car. But any-who, some pics!
I was missing a center cap on the front wheel, so a mark VIII cap has to work for now. Gabe was able to find me a pair of caps, which are in the mail right now. So, I thank him very much!
When I get time, I will get better pics with my camera. Right now, these will have to do lol.