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    It all about clean paint and pollish. Creamys underside started out possibly a little better than average. I have spent months under it sanding scraping fixing stuff. Painting with single stage epoxy were possible.
    Scars are tatoos of the fearless


      Creamy's engine bay is top-notch!
      '79 Continental Town Car
      '90 Crown Victoria LTD
      '94 Crown Victoria


        Made my first trip since installing the front air dam. Also removed the cross bar from the trunk rack. Creamy might have done 24 some MPG. I got destracted and didnt mark the figures down as usual. Wasnt any less than 22+ for sure. Did 18.64 on the return trip all better than the 18.1 best previously. One thing though. the run to vacuum gage was often below 10 in. The trip back was the opposite mostly above 10 in.
        Rarely dropoed to 6.5 were the power valve opens. Noticed the trip to was more up hill than back. So why less MPG down hill than up hill.
        I did fill up at a Shell station on the way back. They have been in the news for their inaccurate pumps giving you less fuel than you pay for.
        Think I will call the state see when that station was last checked. There were no strate stickers on the pump.
        Scars are tatoos of the fearless


          Originally posted by turbo2256b View Post
          I did fill up at a Shell station on the way back. They have been in the news for their inaccurate pumps giving you less fuel than you pay for...
          '79 Continental Town Car
          '90 Crown Victoria LTD
          '94 Crown Victoria


            My father caught a station doing that a while back. He went to get gas for the lawnmower and needed to fill a 1 gallon can. The station attendant being lazy and not so smart, entered the amount for one gallon into the computer, squeezed the trigger, and walked away into his a/c cooled hut. My father noticed that the can was only 3/4 full at the amount specified for 1 gallon. He questioned the guy and he told him to "get the fuck out of my station." One of the customers hearing this, said he was going to call the police and get them closed down. They're still open; perhaps he had to pay a fine or something; or has connections and nothing came of it.



              Turbo, where did you get the trunk luggage rack? Or did that come with the car?

              - 2004 Ford Thunderbird - 2006 Ford F150 XLT - 2018 Ford Explorer Limited - 1958 Mercury Medalist


                Rack came with the car. 2 companies made them one in Canada one in Cali. Both went out of business a few years back. There are similar ones being made think there black and just a bit different. One wearhouse might have some like mine leftover but they wont look as they wont sell to the public (asses). Just google up trunk mounted racks or variations of that theme. I wass just into it a couple weeks ago.
                Scars are tatoos of the fearless


                  Spent the last 2 or 3 weeks cleaning up Creamy for a show is Summerset KY. Made a few changes to the engine compartment again. With the previous paint work on the engine it was possibly easier to clean than ever. Less aluminum to pollish. Compare to some of the older pics if you want.

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                  Scars are tatoos of the fearless



                    I hope Creamy didn't take too many trophies away from the competitors



                      Originally posted by turbo2256b View Post
                      Had to replace the U-joints. Front one had dammage between only one cap and the cross post (a bit odd).
                      The rear joint looked ok but one of the hoops in the flange was dammaged and the cap was loose in it. After removing the clip the cap just fell out instead of needing pressed out. Should mention the slip yoke isnt one from a AOD havent been able to find what tranny it is used in. Same issue with the torq converter.


                      could possiably be from a c6?
                      89 townie, mild exhuast up grades, soon to have loud ass stereo....


                        Originally posted by packman View Post

                        I hope Creamy didn't take too many trophies away from the competitors

                        LOL most are not interested in an old GM. So far only one trophy about 3 years ago. This show dosent give out any mabe for most popular or something. They have a cruse and show last weekend of the month through late spring and early fall.
                        Most just walk by. The real gear heads spend a lot of time trying to figure out how everthing is hooked up and detailed. Some of them come back several times. Some are real interested in the interior also. Lots of extra switches and such.
                        Scars are tatoos of the fearless


                          Added some air deflectors. Not shure but they seem to have helped. Car feels heaver. Down hill grades were Creamy with foot off the pedel after reaching a speed would maintain speed or slow down now speed holds or inceases. One hill cruse locked at 65 foot off gas looked down and Creamy was going between 75 and 80.
                          Scars are tatoos of the fearless


                            About to install a better radiator. Creamy runs a bit hot starting about 2300 2500 RPM. Power band realy starts about that range. Hope this upgrade solves the issue. Once lower gears are installed 2500 will be Highway speed in OD so figured better do this first.

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                            Scars are tatoos of the fearless


                              Sent the radiator back after pollishing it up. They sent me another one made for someone else a year ago it didnt work out either. Drew up a sketch Of what i needed. It shoud be here soon and should be as easy to drop in as modifying for a 2 or 3 row stocker. Noticed the HD factory Rad had 1 1/4" inlet 1 1/2" out.
                              Std factory is 1 1/2" in and out so thats what I ask for. Found most parst places the 1 1/2 upper hose is in stock the 1 1/4 would be an order item. Thought it would make things easyier.
                              Scars are tatoos of the fearless


                                Because of YOU and your Creamy thread; I ended up painting my rear drums and front rotors. After seeing your painted front rotor, I figured I had to give it a try since I painted the rest of the suspension. Spent a few hours doing that. Thanks turbo.........I think


