Originally posted by 1990LTD
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Finally got the drivers side fender and the injured part of the door painted today. Same recipe as the header panel. Some light sanding, 5 coats of self etching primer, wet sand, then 5 coats of primer/sealer. Also filled in the 2 rivet holes were the random piece of LX granny trim was. Just need to steal a clip off the other 91 to replace the missing clip on the rocker trim.
It was missing the inner fender rubber, so I used the 87's original piece. It's ripped a little bit, but better than nothing at all.
Painted the tailgate trim. All the black was peeling off, so a little time with a razor, and 4 coats of truck bed liner later....
Also painted the outside of the tail light trim black. The Crown Vic wagon tail lights must be the ugliest tail lights ever produced. Had to spice them up someway. Wanted to black out all the chrome, but the way the lens is, it would have been to hard.
Oh, and the ever growing goody pile: