Just a few new pics of my car, took them at work today, yes I was bored.
Not one of my favourites, but it still looks pretty good. Decent angle, but the background sucks, should of moved the car.
I like this picture, makes the old girl look graceful and classy, and she is despite nailing a deer at 55 MPH.
I love this image, reminds me of a scene from a mob film. Big black sedan drives up to the warehouse in the rain, someone is screwed.
And last but not least, a nice picture of the front, thought it was a nice angle.
Not one of my favourites, but it still looks pretty good. Decent angle, but the background sucks, should of moved the car.
I like this picture, makes the old girl look graceful and classy, and she is despite nailing a deer at 55 MPH.
I love this image, reminds me of a scene from a mob film. Big black sedan drives up to the warehouse in the rain, someone is screwed.
And last but not least, a nice picture of the front, thought it was a nice angle.