Thanks Tom. The weather today was freakin gorgeous!
Continued working on the disassembly this afternoon. Removed a ground from the back of the passengers side head (o2’s also grounded there) as well as a ground near the front of the passengers side block. Removed the thermactor tube thing that goes between all of the smog stuff and then enters the h pipe. Finished up under the car by removing the two engine mount bolts.
After that we started removing a lot of the top end as well as accessory pieces, radiator drained etc etc...
Some pics I took for my own reference whenever reassembly time comes around....Also disassembley pics.

Those guys that have removed the smog pump but still have AC...did you use a piece of pipe or something to take up the room for the smog pump for the lowest bolt hole for the compressor bracket?
Continued working on the disassembly this afternoon. Removed a ground from the back of the passengers side head (o2’s also grounded there) as well as a ground near the front of the passengers side block. Removed the thermactor tube thing that goes between all of the smog stuff and then enters the h pipe. Finished up under the car by removing the two engine mount bolts.
After that we started removing a lot of the top end as well as accessory pieces, radiator drained etc etc...
Some pics I took for my own reference whenever reassembly time comes around....Also disassembley pics.

Those guys that have removed the smog pump but still have AC...did you use a piece of pipe or something to take up the room for the smog pump for the lowest bolt hole for the compressor bracket?