Thought I'd drop by and post a few pics of a long overdue cleaning of the 2001's engine bay.
Afterwards, the Vic was washed and all exterior surfaces were treated to AIO mixed up as a quick detailer. The results are fantastic.
Spring is not a good time to detail anything when pollen, blooms, seeds, and everything else are in the air. Makes it difficult to keep that clean surface clean. Add to this a gusty wind.
Worker bees and wasps can be repelled from your shiny engine bay and you with brake parts cleaner.
Klasse AIO continues to impress me even after all these years. It removed grime on the hood's underside that had been on there since who knows when.
Meguiar's Engine Kote is good but its claim to be non-sticky is false. Don't use any rags/towels prone to lint.
A leaf blower is still the best way to remove water, especially around injectors and COPS. Plus, the sight of using a leaf blower on your engine bay always brings amusing looks from the neighbors.
The rest of the pics can be viewed here.
Thanks for looking.