Well, some weeks ago I finally got pulled over for blinding a cop with my 4-lo converted headlights, so last Tueday I spent over an hour in re-aiming the headlights. Results were good, but just to be on the safe side yesterday made these too:

They are 2" wide so they should quite effectively limit the light shining into on-coming drivers eyes, without decreasing the output towards the road. JC Whitney sells something like that too, but I decided to save myself $20 and make them myself, if nothing else at least I know they fit nicely. After installing them I had a choice of crome or blacked-out bezels, threw the crome ones on as otherwise there would be too much black in that area and non on the marker lights (not balanced view).
Also I have new fog lights - those took me a whole freakin evening to install, but I think it was worthy. They have sturdy cast-aluminum shells (and not crappy plastic ones), and come with decently stable steel brackets that I'm supposed to bolt down where I want the lights. Well, I didn't bolt them down, I directly welded them to the bull bars - it doesn't get stronger than that, lol. Kit came with the lights and all mounting hardware, a pre-made harness (was quite impressed by the quality), relay, fuse, and an LED push-switch that can be mounted pretty much anywhere. I ended up not using the fuse, the relay, and the switch with its wiring, instead I made the fog lights automatic - they come on with the marker lights, turning the low beams on kills them swithcing to highs re-activates them. Two relays connected in series are required for that, the first one activates the circuit with the marker lights (power for the control loop is taken from the front passenger side marker light), and the second relay interrupts the circuit when the low beams are activated (control loop takes power off the low-beam relay on the passenger side of the car). When the high beams are activated power to the low beam relays is turned off, which means the foglights interruptor relay goes back to its default state of "always on" and fog lights come alive again. Fog lights are rated at 55W each so now I have some quite decent power output levels:
- marker lights 110W
- low beams 220W
- high beams 370W (260 highs + 110 fogs)
Fog lights are amber by the way, and although I haven't had the chance to try them in some extreme weather conditions based on my experience from last winter they should work quite well. Now, pics:

Compare the last two images, that's the difference between black bezels and no shades, and crome bezels and black shades.
And did I post pics of my T-bird shifter with the new center console behind it? Don't think so, so here they come, fresh off the digicam:

This time I actually did it right and took the time to cut the console so it fits over the driveshaft tunnel nicely and bolted it down, also for cleaner looks I cut two openings in its sides and routed the seatbelts through there. On top of that now even the rear seat passengers have cup holders. The only thing still missing is the 110V outlet, but it's on its way in too, just a matter of time really
That's all for now, I think. Done bragging, time to sleep :p
P.S. my Supermotors webpage is all updated and reorganized now, take a look if intersted.

They are 2" wide so they should quite effectively limit the light shining into on-coming drivers eyes, without decreasing the output towards the road. JC Whitney sells something like that too, but I decided to save myself $20 and make them myself, if nothing else at least I know they fit nicely. After installing them I had a choice of crome or blacked-out bezels, threw the crome ones on as otherwise there would be too much black in that area and non on the marker lights (not balanced view).
Also I have new fog lights - those took me a whole freakin evening to install, but I think it was worthy. They have sturdy cast-aluminum shells (and not crappy plastic ones), and come with decently stable steel brackets that I'm supposed to bolt down where I want the lights. Well, I didn't bolt them down, I directly welded them to the bull bars - it doesn't get stronger than that, lol. Kit came with the lights and all mounting hardware, a pre-made harness (was quite impressed by the quality), relay, fuse, and an LED push-switch that can be mounted pretty much anywhere. I ended up not using the fuse, the relay, and the switch with its wiring, instead I made the fog lights automatic - they come on with the marker lights, turning the low beams on kills them swithcing to highs re-activates them. Two relays connected in series are required for that, the first one activates the circuit with the marker lights (power for the control loop is taken from the front passenger side marker light), and the second relay interrupts the circuit when the low beams are activated (control loop takes power off the low-beam relay on the passenger side of the car). When the high beams are activated power to the low beam relays is turned off, which means the foglights interruptor relay goes back to its default state of "always on" and fog lights come alive again. Fog lights are rated at 55W each so now I have some quite decent power output levels:
- marker lights 110W
- low beams 220W
- high beams 370W (260 highs + 110 fogs)
Fog lights are amber by the way, and although I haven't had the chance to try them in some extreme weather conditions based on my experience from last winter they should work quite well. Now, pics:

Compare the last two images, that's the difference between black bezels and no shades, and crome bezels and black shades.
And did I post pics of my T-bird shifter with the new center console behind it? Don't think so, so here they come, fresh off the digicam:

This time I actually did it right and took the time to cut the console so it fits over the driveshaft tunnel nicely and bolted it down, also for cleaner looks I cut two openings in its sides and routed the seatbelts through there. On top of that now even the rear seat passengers have cup holders. The only thing still missing is the 110V outlet, but it's on its way in too, just a matter of time really

That's all for now, I think. Done bragging, time to sleep :p
P.S. my Supermotors webpage is all updated and reorganized now, take a look if intersted.