My MGM drives in Poland. Due to the horrible gas prices in Europe (about 1 USD for a QUARTER of U.S. gallon!), it was converted to auxiliary LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) supply, so I can alternate between the regular gas and LPG fuel.
The thing is, the LPG cylinder sits in the trunk (still leaving 0.5 cubic meter of free room!). Now, Polish regulations require that the trunk MUST be ventilated if an LPG cylinder is inside (due to, uh, the obvious explosion hazad, should the supply hoses or the cylinder multivalve fail).
Are there any actual trunk air vents (like slots somewhere beneath the carpeting inside the trunk, e.g. on the side walls anywhere)? I know I got 4 rubber-plugged drain vents in the trunk bottom (and the tail ones need to be replaced with steel sheet patches with new holes and plugs — they are kinda ripe, rotten and crusty like shortbread).
My MGM drives in Poland. Due to the horrible gas prices in Europe (about 1 USD for a QUARTER of U.S. gallon!), it was converted to auxiliary LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) supply, so I can alternate between the regular gas and LPG fuel.
The thing is, the LPG cylinder sits in the trunk (still leaving 0.5 cubic meter of free room!). Now, Polish regulations require that the trunk MUST be ventilated if an LPG cylinder is inside (due to, uh, the obvious explosion hazad, should the supply hoses or the cylinder multivalve fail).
Are there any actual trunk air vents (like slots somewhere beneath the carpeting inside the trunk, e.g. on the side walls anywhere)? I know I got 4 rubber-plugged drain vents in the trunk bottom (and the tail ones need to be replaced with steel sheet patches with new holes and plugs — they are kinda ripe, rotten and crusty like shortbread).