Well as most of your know I asked how much 300 dollars could buy in body repair LOL...............well I ain't to proud to say the following...the fellow did do the pass side q-panel, lower pass side door, and pass side A pillar.......and while not pebble beach or Dave from Whitestone
.............it is more than acceptable for me............seems the guy all of a sudden balked about how small his garage was in relation to the size of my '86 Tudor.......and his compressor was too small to handle the air tools he needed to use.........in essence from 300 dollars, he said to completely pull all dents, remove fenders to prep inside, he would need to bring car to the Ford dealers body shop after hours when MGT went home...........bottom line the price went to 2K dollars for his work............but again I would have to provide paint. Speaking of paint.............the color was a dead on match, and he blended the areas that needed to be blended in an excellent way.......one really has to look hard to see where the new paint blends into the surrounding area!
So I am happy with the small outcome............and the pass side looks 100% better than it did!!
Now she gets ready to again sit on the salt encrusted streets of NYC
So I am happy with the small outcome............and the pass side looks 100% better than it did!!
Now she gets ready to again sit on the salt encrusted streets of NYC