Fuck my life.
I broke the hood ornament on my 78 LTD It looks like pot metal to me...dont know if it could be welded or not.
I did have an Idea kinda... grind both surfaces flat, than drill a teeny tiny hole on both pieces, and thread in a teeny tiny stud, screw on with a bit of jb weld and it'd be fixed. But I dont think its possible.
Any suggestions besides this asshole http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/FORD-...#ht_2583wt_723 ?
It broke right where the wreath begins...in the thin spot.
While looking for other parts, Ive been to all the junkyards in a 150 mile radius of durham and non of them have a late 70s LTD. let alone with a hood ornament.
If someone has one...Ill GLADLY pay for it and shipping. Just not an outrageous price like that guy ^
If someone knows where I can order one online...that would make me really happy.
I broke the hood ornament on my 78 LTD It looks like pot metal to me...dont know if it could be welded or not.
I did have an Idea kinda... grind both surfaces flat, than drill a teeny tiny hole on both pieces, and thread in a teeny tiny stud, screw on with a bit of jb weld and it'd be fixed. But I dont think its possible.
Any suggestions besides this asshole http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/FORD-...#ht_2583wt_723 ?
It broke right where the wreath begins...in the thin spot.
While looking for other parts, Ive been to all the junkyards in a 150 mile radius of durham and non of them have a late 70s LTD. let alone with a hood ornament.
If someone has one...Ill GLADLY pay for it and shipping. Just not an outrageous price like that guy ^
If someone knows where I can order one online...that would make me really happy.