Last 2 days mornings have been very cold. Went from 85 to 50 over night here. As a consequence these last two mornings when i start the merc the throttle gets "stuck". The enginge revs to about 2K RPMS and sits there running for like 5-10 mins and I can't kick it down.
After the car has sufficiently warmed up a tap on the gas pedal will kick it down though. But if you try and kick it down before it's ready (which seems random) the idle increases and sticks. The first day it got stuck at 3K rpms before we could kick it down...something aint right here.
Sounds like the choke is bad, or that high idle stepper thing is stuck, or what>????
Is it bad for the care to run this fast for that long in the morning?
seriously though i need to remedy this before it blows up!!
After the car has sufficiently warmed up a tap on the gas pedal will kick it down though. But if you try and kick it down before it's ready (which seems random) the idle increases and sticks. The first day it got stuck at 3K rpms before we could kick it down...something aint right here.
Sounds like the choke is bad, or that high idle stepper thing is stuck, or what>????
Is it bad for the care to run this fast for that long in the morning?
seriously though i need to remedy this before it blows up!!