Jon (Grandpa's lincoln) was nice enough to send me his code scanner, seeing how he no longer needs it, post CFI abortion.

here are my results:
31 - EPV (EGR valve position sensor) circuit below minimum
PFE (pressure feedback EGR) sensor or cuirciut out of range
88 - throttle kicker input failure
I left this hooked up to my switch to see if the test would catch it, and it did! I hooked it back up for the later tests.
Im not sure if my EGR is hooked up right now, I forget. I should have looked before I did the test. If it is, I have 2 spare EGR valves the try out.
31 - same as above
33 - EGR valve not opening properly
44 - thermactor air system fault
This may be due to the lack of smog pump, or that the thermactor valve solenoids have no vacuum supply (temporarily). or could be a problem with the solenoids themselves. Once I get the new-fangled smog pump set up, Ill pull the codes again and see if they come up. Just in case, Ill be pulling some spare solenoids next run to the yard.
I did the KOER test twice, once with a quick, 3/4 throttle "goose" test (the way it tells you in the instructions), and another with a slow, 1/2 throttle goose test.
When I did the slow one, i got an additional code,
72 - MAP out of range dudring "goose" test.
Im hoping this is just due to my slow goose!
anyone with any insight or tips regarding these codes, fill me in! Meanwhile I'll be fooling with the EGR and getting my smog pump set back up.
here are my results:
31 - EPV (EGR valve position sensor) circuit below minimum
PFE (pressure feedback EGR) sensor or cuirciut out of range
88 - throttle kicker input failure
I left this hooked up to my switch to see if the test would catch it, and it did! I hooked it back up for the later tests.
Im not sure if my EGR is hooked up right now, I forget. I should have looked before I did the test. If it is, I have 2 spare EGR valves the try out.
31 - same as above
33 - EGR valve not opening properly
44 - thermactor air system fault
This may be due to the lack of smog pump, or that the thermactor valve solenoids have no vacuum supply (temporarily). or could be a problem with the solenoids themselves. Once I get the new-fangled smog pump set up, Ill pull the codes again and see if they come up. Just in case, Ill be pulling some spare solenoids next run to the yard.
I did the KOER test twice, once with a quick, 3/4 throttle "goose" test (the way it tells you in the instructions), and another with a slow, 1/2 throttle goose test.
When I did the slow one, i got an additional code,
72 - MAP out of range dudring "goose" test.
Im hoping this is just due to my slow goose!
anyone with any insight or tips regarding these codes, fill me in! Meanwhile I'll be fooling with the EGR and getting my smog pump set back up.