When you turn the ignition to "start".
At the moment I've only got a 9V resistor wire running to my ign. coil. This was all well and good during summer, but now that it is getting cold, the 9V makes for hard starting in the morning. I need that momentary 12V current during starting to provide a hotter spark. I found a wire on the ignition switch plug that provides 12V only when you are starting the car, but not sure where it runs to or what it does. It's a white wire with pink dots. Is there another wire somewhere that will get me the momentary 12V without relying on this wire? What I'm afraid of is feedback voltage from the 9V wire feeding whatever this wire on the ignition plug is feeding and causing a short or something somewhere.
At the moment I've only got a 9V resistor wire running to my ign. coil. This was all well and good during summer, but now that it is getting cold, the 9V makes for hard starting in the morning. I need that momentary 12V current during starting to provide a hotter spark. I found a wire on the ignition switch plug that provides 12V only when you are starting the car, but not sure where it runs to or what it does. It's a white wire with pink dots. Is there another wire somewhere that will get me the momentary 12V without relying on this wire? What I'm afraid of is feedback voltage from the 9V wire feeding whatever this wire on the ignition plug is feeding and causing a short or something somewhere.