This weeks topic:
Power Distribution
We all have the basic electronics knowledge needed for this, so I wont bore you with remedial wiring. (Sorry about the cruthchy thingy here. Only place to get the jpgs!)
Our big new stereo system
Pioneer DEH-P9600MP

Infinity Kappa 42.5i (Dash)

Infinity Kappa 62.5i (Doors)

Infinity Kappa 963.5i (Rear)

The pics dont show it but all the Kappa speaker magnets are HUGE! Also they may require some minor mods on your cars part.
Audiobahn AW1200Q (Sub)

Note the Dual Voice Coil! Series wire those Puppies!
RF Punch Amps
P2002 50x2 (Dash)

P3002 75x2 (Doors)

T8002 125x2 (Rear)

P8002 800x1 (Sub @ 2)

(We won the lottery
First up (after the deck is installed of course) is the power wires for the amps. DO NOT splice in to the existing battery cable! Add a new terminator (not AAAUNOLD!) that has either a screw post or set screws appropriate to your installation! You will also need 2 ANL fuse holders for this installation. Splice them into the power lines as CLOSE as practicable to the battery.

Terminator with a plastic cover. NIIIICE!

ANL Holder

ANL 300-amp Fuse
In this instance some of you may be tempted to run the cables along the bottom of the car. This is just fine as long as they are secure and protected. In this case we are running it through the car, not under it.
Hey dude, my batt's in my trunk!! This is even better, but be SURE it is secured. All this stuff you're about to put into the trunk will make the car grip and sit even better. The main lines should be run and taped until just before the final connections.
Second. Install amps to a sheet of wood! Leave about 1"-1 1/2" between the sides and do not put stuff on top. Run any car amp for ten minutes and put your hand on it. Nice and warm ain't it! After reading "Burn Wound Care for Dummies" run the amp turn on lead, and the RCA cables. These should be routed as far from the power lines as possible. I usually run the power leads down one side of the car, and the RCAs down the other side. The amp turn on lead only carries a 12-volt signal and 16-12 ga wire will work.
Third. Install the sub box as close to the seat as possible. weather you point the subs foreword or backward are your choice. I don't recommend pointing them up, as all kinds of garbage will fall on them creating noise.
Install the amp boards with the sub amps as close to the box as possible. This will ensure the minimum run of speaker wire and loss of signal. The following graphic will help you see the rest of the story.

The red and black should be self explanatory. The Blue in there is the amp turn on lead, and the FDB is a Fused Distribution Block. The amps are mounted to wood boards for insulation and looks, finish them as you want to. The final ground point should ideally be a common bolt or screw in the metal of the body or frame. Be sure to use a star washer on this connection!

This is a Combo block for 4 amps or less. Looks COOL don't it?
Once the amp boards and sub box is installed it is time to run the speaker wires. The rear speakers are the simplest here! Just make sure they are out of the way from the trunk lid, springs, whatever can pinch or cut them. The front and dash speakers are a little more difficult. i suggest running them along the tunnel opposite to the lead wire, and use a shielded sheath over them. In one installation I shielded each wire, **+ **- each, and bundled them into one run to the front of the car. At this point run the dash speakers first, find the original door wires at the pillar and do the pull though thingy. The shield may not fit here, that is ok.
At this time hook up thing in this order.
1. Speaker Wire
2. RCA
3. Amp Lead
4. Main Ground to car and GB(Grounding Block. This is not fused).
5. Amp ground to the GB.
6. Amp power to FDB's.
7. Install fuses in FDB's.
8. Main Power to FDB's.
9. Install ANL fuses in fuse holders.
10. Say a short prayer an hook the lines to the terminator.
11. Start the car if no problems are noticed, CRANK THOSE TUNES!!!!!!
:headbang: :jammin: :drummer: :rock: :headbang2:
Up next Week
The video stuff. Including PS2/XBOX stuff.
Power Distribution
We all have the basic electronics knowledge needed for this, so I wont bore you with remedial wiring. (Sorry about the cruthchy thingy here. Only place to get the jpgs!)
Our big new stereo system
Pioneer DEH-P9600MP

Infinity Kappa 42.5i (Dash)

Infinity Kappa 62.5i (Doors)

Infinity Kappa 963.5i (Rear)

The pics dont show it but all the Kappa speaker magnets are HUGE! Also they may require some minor mods on your cars part.
Audiobahn AW1200Q (Sub)

Note the Dual Voice Coil! Series wire those Puppies!
RF Punch Amps
P2002 50x2 (Dash)

P3002 75x2 (Doors)

T8002 125x2 (Rear)

P8002 800x1 (Sub @ 2)

(We won the lottery

First up (after the deck is installed of course) is the power wires for the amps. DO NOT splice in to the existing battery cable! Add a new terminator (not AAAUNOLD!) that has either a screw post or set screws appropriate to your installation! You will also need 2 ANL fuse holders for this installation. Splice them into the power lines as CLOSE as practicable to the battery.

Terminator with a plastic cover. NIIIICE!

ANL Holder

ANL 300-amp Fuse
In this instance some of you may be tempted to run the cables along the bottom of the car. This is just fine as long as they are secure and protected. In this case we are running it through the car, not under it.
Hey dude, my batt's in my trunk!! This is even better, but be SURE it is secured. All this stuff you're about to put into the trunk will make the car grip and sit even better. The main lines should be run and taped until just before the final connections.
Second. Install amps to a sheet of wood! Leave about 1"-1 1/2" between the sides and do not put stuff on top. Run any car amp for ten minutes and put your hand on it. Nice and warm ain't it! After reading "Burn Wound Care for Dummies" run the amp turn on lead, and the RCA cables. These should be routed as far from the power lines as possible. I usually run the power leads down one side of the car, and the RCAs down the other side. The amp turn on lead only carries a 12-volt signal and 16-12 ga wire will work.
Third. Install the sub box as close to the seat as possible. weather you point the subs foreword or backward are your choice. I don't recommend pointing them up, as all kinds of garbage will fall on them creating noise.
Install the amp boards with the sub amps as close to the box as possible. This will ensure the minimum run of speaker wire and loss of signal. The following graphic will help you see the rest of the story.

The red and black should be self explanatory. The Blue in there is the amp turn on lead, and the FDB is a Fused Distribution Block. The amps are mounted to wood boards for insulation and looks, finish them as you want to. The final ground point should ideally be a common bolt or screw in the metal of the body or frame. Be sure to use a star washer on this connection!

This is a Combo block for 4 amps or less. Looks COOL don't it?
Once the amp boards and sub box is installed it is time to run the speaker wires. The rear speakers are the simplest here! Just make sure they are out of the way from the trunk lid, springs, whatever can pinch or cut them. The front and dash speakers are a little more difficult. i suggest running them along the tunnel opposite to the lead wire, and use a shielded sheath over them. In one installation I shielded each wire, **+ **- each, and bundled them into one run to the front of the car. At this point run the dash speakers first, find the original door wires at the pillar and do the pull though thingy. The shield may not fit here, that is ok.
At this time hook up thing in this order.
1. Speaker Wire
2. RCA
3. Amp Lead
4. Main Ground to car and GB(Grounding Block. This is not fused).
5. Amp ground to the GB.
6. Amp power to FDB's.
7. Install fuses in FDB's.
8. Main Power to FDB's.
9. Install ANL fuses in fuse holders.
10. Say a short prayer an hook the lines to the terminator.
11. Start the car if no problems are noticed, CRANK THOSE TUNES!!!!!!
:headbang: :jammin: :drummer: :rock: :headbang2:

Up next Week
The video stuff. Including PS2/XBOX stuff.