Alright, I have an amp as it is. It's a 600wat Power Acoustics 4 channel amp. I blew one of my 6X9 speakers (well technicaly my Mom did, but hey it sounded good to the last drop, and I was diggin it too). It still work good, all sound is clean and clear, untill I get up to higher volume. At that point the bass is much louder that the speaker that is not blown, but at the beginning of a bass note you can hear the clatter of a blown or semi-blown speaker.
Any ways. I bought these Cadence 6X9s they are rated for 150watts RMS, and have 2.5lb magnets
My current amp puts about 75watts RMS power to each one of my speakers. So, I have room to maybe upgrade. However, if I did upgrade I would force myself to upgrade the front speakers to 6.5" rounds.
I would like to get this amp to replace mine. But I dunno, maybe if I can clean off my credit card and have spending cash for Christmas.
Any ways. I bought these Cadence 6X9s they are rated for 150watts RMS, and have 2.5lb magnets

I would like to get this amp to replace mine. But I dunno, maybe if I can clean off my credit card and have spending cash for Christmas.