I'm trying to find the location of the G201 connector. I suspect something's wrong with it since it grounds clock, glovebox light, and interval governor the lot of which aren't working on my car (1987 Town Car). All fuses look good.
The book says Ground G201 is "Attached to brace under center of I/P" but I'm garbage at finding things directly in front of me so any elaboration like to what has to be removed to get to that brace is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Book description: https://i.imgur.com/Bt5IXdZ.jpeg
Present state of my dashboard: https://i.imgur.com/9ojp5OI.jpeg, https://i.imgur.com/3lytuQn.jpeg, https://i.imgur.com/CadqD8F.jpeg
The book says Ground G201 is "Attached to brace under center of I/P" but I'm garbage at finding things directly in front of me so any elaboration like to what has to be removed to get to that brace is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Book description: https://i.imgur.com/Bt5IXdZ.jpeg
Present state of my dashboard: https://i.imgur.com/9ojp5OI.jpeg, https://i.imgur.com/3lytuQn.jpeg, https://i.imgur.com/CadqD8F.jpeg