Taking a second look at the shop manual, there is a brief statement on how the digital fuel gauge has anti-slosh mechanics built into the module, which probably means a failure there wouldn't be serviceable.
Pivoting slightly, another issue I've encountered with the Message Center is its display flickering off completely, or the text changing to some nonsense or a single, super bright character. The incorrect text seems to me like a bad connection in one of the wires between the logic module and display, but the display turning off entirely could be a power supply issue. Or it could still be one of the logic-display wires, but the power supply is interesting because of an oddity in the wiring diagram.
The other two digital gauges are supplied by power only in Accessory or Run, but the Message Center components have constant power. What's strange is that the same circuit that supplies Message Center power also appears to run to the engine compartment light. I'm currently running a junkyard-find light, which has to be hit just right to turn on or off, which doesn't seem like intended behavior. The shop manual appears to be silent on its operation. Does anyone know what's supposed to trigger that light on or off? Is it opening the hood? And if so, how is the light aware that it happened?
Pivoting slightly, another issue I've encountered with the Message Center is its display flickering off completely, or the text changing to some nonsense or a single, super bright character. The incorrect text seems to me like a bad connection in one of the wires between the logic module and display, but the display turning off entirely could be a power supply issue. Or it could still be one of the logic-display wires, but the power supply is interesting because of an oddity in the wiring diagram.
The other two digital gauges are supplied by power only in Accessory or Run, but the Message Center components have constant power. What's strange is that the same circuit that supplies Message Center power also appears to run to the engine compartment light. I'm currently running a junkyard-find light, which has to be hit just right to turn on or off, which doesn't seem like intended behavior. The shop manual appears to be silent on its operation. Does anyone know what's supposed to trigger that light on or off? Is it opening the hood? And if so, how is the light aware that it happened?