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power mirror switch?

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    power mirror switch?

    Does anyone know the part number, an aftermarket seller, OR have a working junkyard unit to sell me?
    I'm just assuming it's the switch. All I know is that I can't move either mirror. Probably not motor, unless BOTH failed, which is unlikely.
    (guess it could still be wiring-- or does it share the fuse with the windshield washer and radio and dome lights? 'cause I have a short on that circuit).


    what vehicle again? (consider creating a signature with your cars)

    it might share that circuit... knowing the year will help find out.

    Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. -- Albert Einstein
    rides: 93 Crown Vic LX (The Red Velvet Cake), 2000 Crown Vic base model (Sandy), 2003 Expedition (the vacation beast)

    Originally posted by gadget73
    ... and it should all work like magic and unicorns and stuff.

    Originally posted by dmccaig
    Overhead, some poor bastards are flying in airplanes.


      1990 colony park-- enough changed with the dash that it MIGHT be different wiring (but probably same part for the switch itself) than 86-89.


        yeah... should be the same switch... now to find the fuse box info and see what the mirrors are tied to. My Google-Fu has failed me and pulled up squat for the fuse diagram.

        Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. -- Albert Einstein
        rides: 93 Crown Vic LX (The Red Velvet Cake), 2000 Crown Vic base model (Sandy), 2003 Expedition (the vacation beast)

        Originally posted by gadget73
        ... and it should all work like magic and unicorns and stuff.

        Originally posted by dmccaig
        Overhead, some poor bastards are flying in airplanes.


          I have plenty of mirror switches. I test them on my own car,(90 CP) before I sell them. LMK, WagonMan
          89 Colony Park
          90 Colony Park
          70 HEMI Daytona Convertible


            nevermind... power mirror switch IS on fuse 8.
            I just assumed since the windows were working, and I'd only noticed dome lights/clock/radio, they didn't seem related...
            but for whatever reason the power mirror switch is on that same circuit.


              that the same fuse as rest of that? If so... happy short hunting.

              Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. -- Albert Einstein
              rides: 93 Crown Vic LX (The Red Velvet Cake), 2000 Crown Vic base model (Sandy), 2003 Expedition (the vacation beast)

              Originally posted by gadget73
              ... and it should all work like magic and unicorns and stuff.

              Originally posted by dmccaig
              Overhead, some poor bastards are flying in airplanes.


                Short hunting was not happy.
                I was ready to throw the official ford wiring and general manuals into the fire.
                The wiring diagram gave connector numbers, but one of them didn't exist (C220 is a ghost). Pictures of none of them.
                The general manual only listed the looms on either side of connectors, so while it had pictures, I couldn't actually tell what any of them were. Which one is C220? S218?
                The wiring diagram has a description. One of them literally boiled down to C221 is near C227, and C227 is near C221. How helpful!
                I hate electrical diagnostics.
                And the manuals were USELESS.

                Finally I just start unplugging random shit that has the LG/Y wire going into it, indicating that it came from the fuse in question. Since I'll obviously never actually find which hidden connector C201 or C220 or S218 are.

                Best guess from location description and what stopped working is that I have undone C301 or C220 (if it exists). I need to double check what no longer works. I undid a harness that was at the bottom of the A pillar right by the hood latch pull that was black and rectangular, with the LG/Y wire. I pulled just the LG/Y wire (leaving the rest of the connector together) and my fuse problem went away!
                There was a grey connector there too of the same size also with the LG/Y wire (but did not blow the fuse). Don't know what that LG/Y wire actually went to.
                Only confusing thing is C301 is supposed to be located at "LH side center pillar, near T/O to courtesy lamp switch".
                C220 is "LH fender apron, near fuse links M and N" which is DEFINITELY nonexistent, at least anywhere near that location.

                Looking at the wiring diagram on page 12-9 coming from fuse #8, it HAS to be C220 or C301 that I unplugged. Everything off of C201, C262, and S218 still works.
                And yet the description of where these connectors are matches nothing that I'm looking at. I still don't actually know which rather major connector by the hood latch handle I pulled the LG/Y wire from! Can you see why I wanted to burn my books?

                Maybe it's just me and I don't know how to use a wiring diagram...

                Rant over.

                I feel better now.

                And I DO have a working cooling fan again-- only broken thing are the rear door switches and the way back overhead dome lamp. Presumably though I didn't check, those outside vanity lamps on the center pillars. I also havent checked the map lights yet-- though the front overhead dome light does work. I'm not sure I actually care about any of these!
                So my problem is effectively SOLVED even if staring at misleading wiring diagrams for 3 hours was USELESS

                Anyone else have trouble following the ford wiring diagrams to actually locate the connectors it's talking about?
                as I said, still don't know what the grey and black connectors -wire in the black one was what did it- I messed with actually were... but it worked, so, all is good now.


                  in all fairness, I've never claimed that electrical diagnostics were a strong point of mine. It's not impossible I was just being incompetent in my short hunting.
                  But I did have a smart friend with me, and he was equally baffled by the Ford manuals, so I feel a bit better about ranting.


                    I never try to figure out the connectors and go by wire color ONLY if I can't just follow the wire directly. The only thing I've ever done with connectors is take them apart, lube with dielectric grease, pinch the female connectors for better contact if needed and plug it back together. Following wires in a vehicle is tedious as hell, but child's play compared to the circuit traces on microchips that I deal with at work all the time, so I'm a bad one to compare with. But yes, tedious as hell and the EVTMs are useless for connector funding unless you have the location index like in the newer ones.

                    Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. -- Albert Einstein
                    rides: 93 Crown Vic LX (The Red Velvet Cake), 2000 Crown Vic base model (Sandy), 2003 Expedition (the vacation beast)

                    Originally posted by gadget73
                    ... and it should all work like magic and unicorns and stuff.

                    Originally posted by dmccaig
                    Overhead, some poor bastards are flying in airplanes.


                      C221 & C227 = Catch 22-1 & Catch 22-7, respectively.
                      Slicktop '91 GS HO 4.30 rear. '82 Mark VI Tudor HO, '90 F-150 XLT, '62 project Heep, '89 Arizona Waggin' and '88 donor in PA, getting combined.


                        Originally posted by sxcpotatoes View Post
                        C221 & C227 = Catch 22-1 & Catch 22-7, respectively.
                        hush you.

                        Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. -- Albert Einstein
                        rides: 93 Crown Vic LX (The Red Velvet Cake), 2000 Crown Vic base model (Sandy), 2003 Expedition (the vacation beast)

                        Originally posted by gadget73
                        ... and it should all work like magic and unicorns and stuff.

                        Originally posted by dmccaig
                        Overhead, some poor bastards are flying in airplanes.

