Ok. My grandparents have their 1986 Grand Marquis. It has 39k on it. This summer it developed a rough idle. No biggie I say, just needs a tune up as the parts are all original. It didn't have a check engine light and all the sensors responded to quick testing. So I change cap/rotor, plugs/wires, fuel filter; air filter was already new. All the ignition shit was nasty/fouled. After it's changed it runs a little better but still rough idle. I figure, ok, she hardly gets drove each year and gramps nevAr beats on it so I need to blow out the cobwebs and bad gas. Well, I suck sea-foam through the beast and drive it around and beat on it. Still, a little better but a rough idle. Well by now I'm pissed. I check the timing and before I get around to turning it off to re-connect the spout connector it dies. I'm like, what-ev and go to start it. Nothing. Won't start, no spark. So I get to thinking, hrrmm, TFI modules are notorious for bullshit, and I've had to replace quite a few and always recommend a spare. So I replace TFI module AND coil for good measure as the test light did the blinky thing when I tested it. (I didn't have my multi meter so all I could test for is power). Anyways, after this shit fest it STILL won't start. Now I'm fuming as I feel fairly comfortable around the Ol' 5.0EFI. So I start checking everything, and in the back of the engine there is the wiring harness that goes to the tranny, a 6pin connector I believe. Well that fucker has rubbed through and melted at the back of the engine!!!! Now I know that it has to do with the transmission but could it have wiped out the computer?? It was a white wire that was rubbed through on the intake. Any help or info would be GREATLY appreciated.
