Title's dedicated to whoever's been putting up the palindrome tags.
Anyway, I got myself an automatic mirror out of a whale Grand Marquis (I think it's a 99). It dims itself automatically when it gets dark out and it senses a light behind you. It's also got a built in compass in the top right corner, but you can't see it because of the camera flash.
Looks like this:
It's got 3 wires that go to it. Black, black with pink stripe, purple with orange stripe.
Purple/Orange is +12v
Black/Pink is tied to reverse lights
Black is ground
It's supposed to un-dim itself whenever you shift into reverse. I didn't bother hooking that one up. I don't need encouragement not to swivel and look behind me when backing.
Jesus, that camera flash really makes the dust on my dashboard show up.
Anyway, I got myself an automatic mirror out of a whale Grand Marquis (I think it's a 99). It dims itself automatically when it gets dark out and it senses a light behind you. It's also got a built in compass in the top right corner, but you can't see it because of the camera flash.
Looks like this:
It's got 3 wires that go to it. Black, black with pink stripe, purple with orange stripe.
Purple/Orange is +12v
Black/Pink is tied to reverse lights
Black is ground
It's supposed to un-dim itself whenever you shift into reverse. I didn't bother hooking that one up. I don't need encouragement not to swivel and look behind me when backing.
Jesus, that camera flash really makes the dust on my dashboard show up.