Well, think I might need a new battery some time soon.
If I leave the car undriven for a few days, I sometimes need a jump start; just happened a third time today (third time in say 4 months).
Before I spend $85 on the battery I'll be keeping for the next 3-5 years, any preferences, or are they all pretty much alike and I should get the very cheapest?
Walmart, target, autozone, advance auto, pepboys, firestone...? any preferred retailer?
I have a 1990 grand marquis.
If I leave the car undriven for a few days, I sometimes need a jump start; just happened a third time today (third time in say 4 months).
Before I spend $85 on the battery I'll be keeping for the next 3-5 years, any preferences, or are they all pretty much alike and I should get the very cheapest?
Walmart, target, autozone, advance auto, pepboys, firestone...? any preferred retailer?
I have a 1990 grand marquis.