Working on ways to switch a 2-speed Taurus fan. So far I've looked through a bunch of OE switches on and found only a small handful that look suitable. Going this way, I'd have to use two switches to switch both speeds automatically, unless I can find a dedicated two-speed switch that I like, and most or all of those appear to be metric threaded (have to buy or make a fancy adapter bushing).
Here's what I've found so far in the way of OE switches:
FS120SB, $13
Temp Rating : On 193-207 deg F, Off 175 deg F; Thread Size 1/2"
FS103SB, $22
Temp Rating 200-210 deg F; Thread Size 1/2"
FS125, $27
Temp Rating : On At 205 Deg F; Thread Size : 1/2"
FS300, $27
Temp Rating : Normally Open, Closes At 185 Deg F; Thread Size : 3/8"
I found a handful of cheaper NPT-threaded switches, but most are obviously GM-designed, not closing until more like 220 degrees (eek!). I'm planning to spend part of the afternoon pondering my taps to see what metric sizes can be easily adapted to, and possibly visiting an electrical store to see if they have any handy probe-type switches I can stick through the radiator fins like they use in some of the aftermarket fan controller kits.
Other suggestions I've found so far are all somewhat expensive for a project that started with a $25 junkyard fan - they include a Hayden 2-speed controller for about $60 shipped that some people claim to be unreliable; using a variable-speed controller to control only the high speed side (looks like at least $110 shipped); or a company called DCC that makes both 2-speed and variable stuff, starting at about $80 plus shipping. And of course, the usual aftermarket wet switches from sources like Hypertech or Painless seem to all start at about $40.
Here's what I've found so far in the way of OE switches:
FS120SB, $13
Temp Rating : On 193-207 deg F, Off 175 deg F; Thread Size 1/2"
FS103SB, $22
Temp Rating 200-210 deg F; Thread Size 1/2"
FS125, $27
Temp Rating : On At 205 Deg F; Thread Size : 1/2"
FS300, $27
Temp Rating : Normally Open, Closes At 185 Deg F; Thread Size : 3/8"
I found a handful of cheaper NPT-threaded switches, but most are obviously GM-designed, not closing until more like 220 degrees (eek!). I'm planning to spend part of the afternoon pondering my taps to see what metric sizes can be easily adapted to, and possibly visiting an electrical store to see if they have any handy probe-type switches I can stick through the radiator fins like they use in some of the aftermarket fan controller kits.
Other suggestions I've found so far are all somewhat expensive for a project that started with a $25 junkyard fan - they include a Hayden 2-speed controller for about $60 shipped that some people claim to be unreliable; using a variable-speed controller to control only the high speed side (looks like at least $110 shipped); or a company called DCC that makes both 2-speed and variable stuff, starting at about $80 plus shipping. And of course, the usual aftermarket wet switches from sources like Hypertech or Painless seem to all start at about $40.