Years back, didn't someone over on CVN add an extra socket and bulb to the "dead" lens on a box CV? Looks like it'd be fairly easy to do ... drill a hole, pop a socket in there, and hook it to the flasher signal wire.
That being said, are there any issues with doing this? Can a socket fit in there? Looks like a tight space. Also, which would be better ... #194 socket/bulb or a #906/#912 socket/bulb? All input is appreciated, as I am deathly tired and my notes are starting to get blurry.
That being said, are there any issues with doing this? Can a socket fit in there? Looks like a tight space. Also, which would be better ... #194 socket/bulb or a #906/#912 socket/bulb? All input is appreciated, as I am deathly tired and my notes are starting to get blurry.