Getting around time that I get the swap complete, but here am seeing a shitload of different information on how the swap should be handled and preformed. So which way is correct, WAY to much info about the same topic being thrown around and it is entirely confusing. I am hearing that:
you just bolt in the new alternator. Plug in the regulator harness. Cut the thin wire from the three plugged plug (two fats and one thin) and stick that for the strator and run a charge cable.
I am also hearing that you should do all of the above BUT also put a ring terminal on the two fat wires and stick them on the output stud in addition to the charge cable.
I am also hearing about some self excite :bs: that gets thrown on the charge stud.
WTF is a guy to do? which way is correct?
you just bolt in the new alternator. Plug in the regulator harness. Cut the thin wire from the three plugged plug (two fats and one thin) and stick that for the strator and run a charge cable.
I am also hearing that you should do all of the above BUT also put a ring terminal on the two fat wires and stick them on the output stud in addition to the charge cable.
I am also hearing about some self excite :bs: that gets thrown on the charge stud.
WTF is a guy to do? which way is correct?