Alright check this out guys....(1988 Crown VIC) I just bought new horns after checking all the wiring out. Wiring is A-OK. The hardware is definitely what is causing the fuse to blow. So I disconnected the horns ( which are single terminal ) and plugged up the new horns. Horns wouldnt work off of one terminal being plugged by OEM horn plug. So I took the remaining terminal and plugged to chassis ground and the fuse is now basically the trigger. When fuse is in, the horns blow hard. And when I unplug the fuse, the horns stop sounding. But the fuse does not blow at all anymore. Should I plug the remaining terminal to somewhere besides the ground? I'm contemplating using a relay, in some form, to bypass as much of the stock wiring as possible. Does anybody have any light to shed on this predicament? I'm willing to try anything at this point, so please share if you have any ideas.
Thank you.
Thank you.