OK this is NOT on a grand marquis. But I hang out on this forum mostly
I have a 1989 mercury tracer/ it's kindof a 1989 mazda 323, with the 1.6l fwd drivetrain. 95% of the parts are shared.
Just in case I leave out something important:
last winter the brake pedal would go to the floor, then recover and work. This happened a dozen times. No change in fluid level.
It's summertime now and I'm in the mood for car repair.
I swapped the master cylinder. It has two lines that go from it to the metering valve that is located 15" away on the firewall (unlike our boxes, where this is integral to the MC).
I also swapped 2 sections of line that went from the metering valve to the rear drums-- these lines had been cut in two, we replaced the longer sections 2 years ago, now the prior repair that went up the firewall was looking bad.
I don't know how to bench bleed a master cylinder and I don't think it necessary?
I filled up the MC, had a friend pumping the pedal the good ol' fashioned way, beginning with the RR.
I got fluid after a couple minutes, then I found a leak in one of the repaired lines. I'm still not good with flaring...
I bought 2 new pre-flared sections and fitted them correctly.
Now I tried again. RR works, no leak. LR takes friggin forever. And more forever. I try siphoning... I get a little, but no continuous flow.
Then I try the RF. Works, quickly.
Then I try the LF. Same story as LR... 10 minutes of pumping, plenty of splutters of air, but no real fluid!
The whole left side is FUBAR somehow.
When I checked the front pads, they seem evenly worn left to right.
When I disconnected the 2 lines that go from the MC to the metering valve, and had my friend step on the pedal, fluid DID come out of the MC from both ports.
Logical says to look at what *I* did and what might cause this... i replaced 2 sections of line to the LR and RR, and I replaced the MC. Could the new MC be bad somehow?
Or was the proportioning valve bad for some time, and this inability to bleed the brakes on the left side is only the most obvious manifestation, where it might not have been obvious while I was driving the car...?
I'm really confused, and really frustrated, and I needed to be driving this car 5 days ago. Bleeding brakes should not be this hard or this weird.
IS the proportioning valve bad? If so, I need to start calling junkyards RIGHT NOW to have any hope of not biking 20 miles to work in a few days. Couldn't find an aftermarket.
Is there something else I overlooked? One guy said to have the MC bench bled. I don't know that that makes sense, would not bench bleeding cause just the left side to just pump air? ...and before I walk 2 miles to the parts store to get the tools and re-R&R the mc I'd like to be sure that that could even be a possibility.
thanks for the help!
I have a 1989 mercury tracer/ it's kindof a 1989 mazda 323, with the 1.6l fwd drivetrain. 95% of the parts are shared.
Just in case I leave out something important:
last winter the brake pedal would go to the floor, then recover and work. This happened a dozen times. No change in fluid level.
It's summertime now and I'm in the mood for car repair.
I swapped the master cylinder. It has two lines that go from it to the metering valve that is located 15" away on the firewall (unlike our boxes, where this is integral to the MC).
I also swapped 2 sections of line that went from the metering valve to the rear drums-- these lines had been cut in two, we replaced the longer sections 2 years ago, now the prior repair that went up the firewall was looking bad.
I don't know how to bench bleed a master cylinder and I don't think it necessary?
I filled up the MC, had a friend pumping the pedal the good ol' fashioned way, beginning with the RR.
I got fluid after a couple minutes, then I found a leak in one of the repaired lines. I'm still not good with flaring...
I bought 2 new pre-flared sections and fitted them correctly.
Now I tried again. RR works, no leak. LR takes friggin forever. And more forever. I try siphoning... I get a little, but no continuous flow.
Then I try the RF. Works, quickly.
Then I try the LF. Same story as LR... 10 minutes of pumping, plenty of splutters of air, but no real fluid!
The whole left side is FUBAR somehow.
When I checked the front pads, they seem evenly worn left to right.
When I disconnected the 2 lines that go from the MC to the metering valve, and had my friend step on the pedal, fluid DID come out of the MC from both ports.
Logical says to look at what *I* did and what might cause this... i replaced 2 sections of line to the LR and RR, and I replaced the MC. Could the new MC be bad somehow?
Or was the proportioning valve bad for some time, and this inability to bleed the brakes on the left side is only the most obvious manifestation, where it might not have been obvious while I was driving the car...?
I'm really confused, and really frustrated, and I needed to be driving this car 5 days ago. Bleeding brakes should not be this hard or this weird.
IS the proportioning valve bad? If so, I need to start calling junkyards RIGHT NOW to have any hope of not biking 20 miles to work in a few days. Couldn't find an aftermarket.
Is there something else I overlooked? One guy said to have the MC bench bled. I don't know that that makes sense, would not bench bleeding cause just the left side to just pump air? ...and before I walk 2 miles to the parts store to get the tools and re-R&R the mc I'd like to be sure that that could even be a possibility.
thanks for the help!