I had to drive through a flash flood a few days ago, during which the brakes were yanking me around as they do whenever they're wet. The day after, I went to pick up my Xbox controller from my brother and they were still acting up, making me look like I just got my license. I drove it around the block a few times until it quit. Yesterday, I went to the store and noticed the brakes work about half as well as they used to. I have to put it nearly to the floor before they do much.
This makes no sense to me, because it never did that before and the entirety of the brake system is less than a year old. I had all of it; brakes, calipers, pads, rotors, everything; replaced last November.
So what the hell?
This makes no sense to me, because it never did that before and the entirety of the brake system is less than a year old. I had all of it; brakes, calipers, pads, rotors, everything; replaced last November.
So what the hell?