I used to find the hubcaps a pita to remove, even hefty screwdrivers weren't quite right, and nor was the "official" hub cap tool (with a rubber mallet in the middle) very effective either.
But turns out a "lady foot" prybar is perfect for the task: http://ak.buy.com/PI/0/1000/221830387.jpg (just the largest, clearest image I could find).
My key was rounding out, so before it got too bad, I threw it all out. And bought new locking keys But I'm not sure, in retrospect, that I trust generic pepboys locking lug nuts to be of good steel, and like Kestas, I know myself well enough to know i'll lose it one of these days, so I'm going to get rid of the 4 locking nuts next time I service my car.
But turns out a "lady foot" prybar is perfect for the task: http://ak.buy.com/PI/0/1000/221830387.jpg (just the largest, clearest image I could find).
My key was rounding out, so before it got too bad, I threw it all out. And bought new locking keys But I'm not sure, in retrospect, that I trust generic pepboys locking lug nuts to be of good steel, and like Kestas, I know myself well enough to know i'll lose it one of these days, so I'm going to get rid of the 4 locking nuts next time I service my car.