Today I went to the transmission shop to get the bushing replaced in the transmission that keeeps the front u-joint yoke from moving around. The bad U-Joints, and rear end had worrn it out, bad! (Per my transmission guy, it was "smoked"... Not much left!) He changed it out, and then he checked the u-joints, axle play, pinion play, any thing that could cause a vibration... Well he also checked the front bearings, and found the right front was loose, so loose it was making a slight popping noise, or rattle when you shook the tire. So I went and bought some bearings and seal for both sides, and went to a shop near the trans shop and had them put in... This guy specializes in Fords and Mustangs... His shop looks like a NASCAR race car shop. He Changed both sides out. While I was there, i noticed he had a upper 5.0. Plate on the wall, that was the one I had been looking for.. Looks just like the 5.0 EFI plate, but says H.O. instead of EFI.... He sold that to me for $10.00. So when I got home, I cleaned it up, painted it, then carefully sanded and polished the "Ford" oval and the letters... And installed it on the car. Looks great.... I know, I know, useless with out pictures.. it got dark before I could take some. Maybe tommorow...
OK, just went out and took some photos in the dark... realized I have to work tommorow!
5.0 Plate...
After the bushing was installed... getting ready for the new seal... When he first pull the driveshaft, this shaft was about 1/8 of an inch lower... it was not centered! it had ALOT of play in it!
on the rack at the trans shop.. I like to get it on a rack so I can look all over under the car...
just to check everything out... Decided today it needs to be re- undercoated....
closer shot of 5.0. plate... I think it looks great on there....
OK, just went out and took some photos in the dark... realized I have to work tommorow!
5.0 Plate...
After the bushing was installed... getting ready for the new seal... When he first pull the driveshaft, this shaft was about 1/8 of an inch lower... it was not centered! it had ALOT of play in it!
on the rack at the trans shop.. I like to get it on a rack so I can look all over under the car...
just to check everything out... Decided today it needs to be re- undercoated....
closer shot of 5.0. plate... I think it looks great on there....