being that winter is on its way to the north east it has a bad effect on my transmission only when it sits for a few hours. it has trouble shifting in to first but once hte motor wamrs up its fine and i never have a problem all day as long as it doesnt sit for more then like 6 hours.
a kid i work wiht said it was the accumulator/ actuator or something like that. in other words the main valve that youll see when you pull the valve body out. im kinda wondering if i could just change the seal on it and install a shift kit at the same time? course hten i wonder if ill just add extra wear to the tranny with a shift kit?
i do know id like to have a tci or mustang govenor so itd shift higher though( lopo gov sucks balls). any tips or ideas?
just to add htough, last winter i put a thing of htat lucas tranny fix in the thing and never had a problem, so i may jst add another bottle (emptied the old fluid while rebuilding the motor) but i rahter not try andhide hte problm and just fix it.
a kid i work wiht said it was the accumulator/ actuator or something like that. in other words the main valve that youll see when you pull the valve body out. im kinda wondering if i could just change the seal on it and install a shift kit at the same time? course hten i wonder if ill just add extra wear to the tranny with a shift kit?
i do know id like to have a tci or mustang govenor so itd shift higher though( lopo gov sucks balls). any tips or ideas?
just to add htough, last winter i put a thing of htat lucas tranny fix in the thing and never had a problem, so i may jst add another bottle (emptied the old fluid while rebuilding the motor) but i rahter not try andhide hte problm and just fix it.