So yesterday my car started to get a mind of its own. While I'm driving the car will increase it idle and starting to rev very high even while in drive. It's very sporadic and can surge pretty damn high.
Possible culprits in my eyes: IAC,TPS Sensor. I know everyone and there mother is gonna save vaccuum leak however I changed all the lines on the left side of the vehicle. The small rigid plastic ones. I'm sure there's more but I had enough for the day. That was yesterday however the idle
Issues started the day before so it want those
I'm at the yard I'm gonna pull a TPS and an IAC off and start there. Any more ideas? Again it's not just your typical idle raise. The spikes are very sharp and strong.
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Possible culprits in my eyes: IAC,TPS Sensor. I know everyone and there mother is gonna save vaccuum leak however I changed all the lines on the left side of the vehicle. The small rigid plastic ones. I'm sure there's more but I had enough for the day. That was yesterday however the idle
Issues started the day before so it want those
I'm at the yard I'm gonna pull a TPS and an IAC off and start there. Any more ideas? Again it's not just your typical idle raise. The spikes are very sharp and strong.
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