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    Pics or it didn't happen.
    1985 LTD Crown Victoria - SOLD
    1988 Town Car Signature - Current Party Barge


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      She was sitting under a tree for hail protection. Only thing I've done is put on new tires. After that I drove it 300 miles back home. I haven't had a chance to rinse it off yet, but I think it will clean up nice.
      1991 Mercury Grand Marquis LE SOLD

      1972 Ford F100 Custom - 5.9 - Stock

      2011 Ford Fusion SE - 2.5 - Stock

      2018 Toyota Highlander XLE



        Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. -- Albert Einstein
        rides: 93 Crown Vic LX (The Red Velvet Cake), 2000 Crown Vic base model (Sandy), 2003 Expedition (the vacation beast)

        Originally posted by gadget73
        ... and it should all work like magic and unicorns and stuff.

        Originally posted by dmccaig
        Overhead, some poor bastards are flying in airplanes.


          She looks great! I'm glad you were able to bring her home. Looks like a real nice car. Anything you have planned for it, or just driving it until the wheels fall off? Hard to go wrong with that!
          Back in the saddle again!

          2004 Crown Victoria Police Interceptor in Unimaginative Bureaucratic Brown
          Bone stock... for now.


            I just want to have it super clean, a little bit faster and a better sounding exhaust.

            When I drove it home last night it felt like it would give a good jerk when it downshifted to go up hills. It also would have little bumps like it wasn't running smoothly. I'm going to start a thread on it and go from there. Thanks yall!
            1991 Mercury Grand Marquis LE SOLD

            1972 Ford F100 Custom - 5.9 - Stock

            2011 Ford Fusion SE - 2.5 - Stock

            2018 Toyota Highlander XLE


              When you wash it clay bar it with the remaining soapy water and wash it over again. This will get the paint super smooth and rid it of any tree contaminants. Make sure to at least wax it after the fact to protect the open pores of the paint.

              My 1987 Crown Victoria Coupe: The Brown Blob
              My 2004 Mercedes Benz E320:The Benz

              Originally posted by ootdega
              My life is a long series of "nevermind" and "I guess not."

              Originally posted by DerekTheGreat
              But, that's just coming from me, this site's biggest pessimist. Best of luck

              Originally posted by gadget73
              my car starts and it has AC. Yours doesn't start and it has no AC. Seems obvious to me.


                She's a frickin' beauty! Have you checked the throttle-valve bushing? That can make for funny transmission behavior. Otherwise, look over the basics, check for vacuum leaks and give her a good tune-up. Then it's time for some noisy dual exhaust and let your imagination run wild from there!


                  I checked the throttle valve bushing but it's still there. It feels like it's held tight and the plastic and spring thing seem to moving freely. I started on the tune-up last night. Only got four plugs and wires in (.050 gap) before it got too late. Plus the other four on the passenger side look like they might be a PIA to get to. Do I have to remove alot of stuff to get to those?
                  1991 Mercury Grand Marquis LE SOLD

                  1972 Ford F100 Custom - 5.9 - Stock

                  2011 Ford Fusion SE - 2.5 - Stock

                  2018 Toyota Highlander XLE


                    In OD It's making a wierd grind noise when it's finishing the downshift. only really hear it when trying to accelerate up a hill or punch it a little. I sure hope the tune up helps.
                    1991 Mercury Grand Marquis LE SOLD

                    1972 Ford F100 Custom - 5.9 - Stock

                    2011 Ford Fusion SE - 2.5 - Stock

                    2018 Toyota Highlander XLE


                      You sure you're not hearing pinging from predetonation or timing being too far advanced? That kinda sounds like grinding. You'd certainly hear pinging in the situations you've described if your timing is too far advanced.

                      Ashley's '89 and my '88 are both running 13 degrees yet her car pings under the exact situations you've described. She's probably got more carbon built up in her engine. Haven't bumped it down to 12 because she's getting great MPG.

                      As for the passenger plugs it looks like you just need to disconnect the smog stuff and use universals & extensions. Never did it, I saw that garbage & farmed it out.
                      1985 LTD Crown Victoria - SOLD
                      1988 Town Car Signature - Current Party Barge


                        Not really a pinging sound. I'm familiar with that noise as I ran my 72 F100 advanced for about a month before I got my own timing light. I tried to set it by ear and that didn't go so well

                        This sounds like when you run over the rumble strips on the side of the road. And it happens at the very end of the shift right as the RPM's go down. I'll see what I can do with the other four plugs now that there's daylight.
                        1991 Mercury Grand Marquis LE SOLD

                        1972 Ford F100 Custom - 5.9 - Stock

                        2011 Ford Fusion SE - 2.5 - Stock

                        2018 Toyota Highlander XLE


                          Pass. side plugs are hard to get to but not impossible, it's all that smog pump stuff in the way.
                          The thing to do is pull all that junk out, plug whatever lines you have you plug, junk the air pump, get a smaller belt and get rid of that crap.
                          Then pass. side plugs are easy.


                            Hell I did all my plugs without removing anything, just takes the right extensions and shit. Anyhow Dog, if you car is grumbling when shifting into OD then your transmission may be doomed. Either way i'd recommend getting the brass TV bushing on there but it may be too late to save that. If you need one I bought a 4-pack. PM me your address and i'll send you one. Finish off your tune-up anyway and see if it makes a difference, run some injector cleaner through the car, seafoam, b-12 chemtool or whatever your snake-oil of choice is. Trans may just need to be serviced too. I had EVERYTHING changed when I got my '90 because I figured who knows when the last time any of it was touched.


                              Salty, I dunno how much of a DIY type you are, or how well versed you are in car repair and maintenance. I'm gonna post a link to a video below. I apologize if it's stuff you already know. But if this is new info to you, check out your fluid based on the indicators in the video. If the fluid is burnt, start saving your nickles and dimes for a new tranny or a rebuild. If it is just worn, try a fluid and filter change. I personally recommend adding a quart of Lucas Stop-Slip with your fluid change, or even if you are just a little low. Some people here don't believe in it, but I have used it for several years in my 1993 Roadmaster, and it has helped the trans to shift more smoothly and considerably slowed a leak at the extension housing seal. First time I used it was in the mountains of North Carolina, then the car seemed to be struggling a little. I was impressed with the results.

                              Back in the saddle again!

                              2004 Crown Victoria Police Interceptor in Unimaginative Bureaucratic Brown
                              Bone stock... for now.


                                Thanks Chuck, just watched the video. I dropped the pan and changed the transmission fluid over the weekend and the fluid didn't look so bad. It was still was a light brown, pink color. Its shifting pretty smooth. Perfectly around town, and fine for now.

                                I changed out the other four plugs and wires with an extension but the motor was still a shaky when it was idling. I cleaned the throttle body using the "wife's toothbrush" method and it made all the difference. Now it's running smooth and the idle is strong.

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                                Last edited by Salty Dog; 05-31-2016, 08:25 AM.
                                1991 Mercury Grand Marquis LE SOLD

                                1972 Ford F100 Custom - 5.9 - Stock

                                2011 Ford Fusion SE - 2.5 - Stock

                                2018 Toyota Highlander XLE

