My 90 Grand Marquis has had this problem from time to time where it'll start up and run fine when it's cold but if I park the car when the temp gauge is around the M in "NORMAL" it starts to have problems, not every time, but enough worry me. Now, if I start it right back up after parking, it's fine, but if I go into the store for forty five minutes or something and come back out, that's when it happens.
I turn the key and it cranks a few times like normal, then fires up, BUT it immediately starts to sputter out and die. If I start it up and give it a couple good revs, it'll sound kind of rough at first, but eventually it evens out and starts running fine again. Recently my wife has been driving the car and it did it to her but it REALLY didn't want to start back up again. Eventually I told her to start it up and continually press the gas pedal down just a little bit and leave it for five seconds, give it a good rev, then let off the gas. It worked, she drove home with no noticeable changes in the vehicles performance.
It seems like it's not getting enough gas, I don't know though, fuel pump, tank, and filter are two years old. Bum fuel Pump? TFI module? ECT? Any help pointing me in the right direction, or away from the wrong directions, would be very much appreciated!
Oh yeah, and I've also been noticing my AC wanting to cut out sometimes when the temp gauge is on M and the problems almost definitely occur if I park it when the AC is out. Might be unrelated.
I turn the key and it cranks a few times like normal, then fires up, BUT it immediately starts to sputter out and die. If I start it up and give it a couple good revs, it'll sound kind of rough at first, but eventually it evens out and starts running fine again. Recently my wife has been driving the car and it did it to her but it REALLY didn't want to start back up again. Eventually I told her to start it up and continually press the gas pedal down just a little bit and leave it for five seconds, give it a good rev, then let off the gas. It worked, she drove home with no noticeable changes in the vehicles performance.
It seems like it's not getting enough gas, I don't know though, fuel pump, tank, and filter are two years old. Bum fuel Pump? TFI module? ECT? Any help pointing me in the right direction, or away from the wrong directions, would be very much appreciated!
Oh yeah, and I've also been noticing my AC wanting to cut out sometimes when the temp gauge is on M and the problems almost definitely occur if I park it when the AC is out. Might be unrelated.