Ok so this has only happend two times since I started driving the Lincoln. First time was a couple days after I got it on the road. I would be driving at a steady speed, then all of a sudden the Engine boggs right down spitting and sputtering with no power at all. After pulling over and feathering the gas a bit its fine. Never thaught much of it and Never had the problem again until today (about 4 or 5 weeks since the first time) when it did the same thing, and it was the exact same sonario. seems to last about 30-45 seconds before it clears up.
So I checked my clear fuel filter and it looks clean and clear of debris.
Any other idea's?
Oh and its a 351W with a 2150 carb
So I checked my clear fuel filter and it looks clean and clear of debris.
Any other idea's?
Oh and its a 351W with a 2150 carb