ok this might be a really stupid idea i dunno... but the only way ill find out is to ask anyway :drug: my brother has put one of those conical air intake kits on his car and it has improved his acceleration pretty well. you can definitely tell the different between it and his stock intake. (its not a GM or CV) so i was wondering if puttin one of those on my 89 GM would really improve anything. the stock intake seems a little restrictive to me. so i was looking at my intake today and thought of something... couldnt i just take off the tube that goes from the front of the car back to the box where the air filter is??? the opening on the box itself is much bigger than the little 1.5 inch opening there on the end of the tube. and i could just keep my air filter in there and it SEEMS like it would be the same thing as one of those conical air intake kits!?!? maybe its the stupidest idea youve ever heard... :drug: :chainsaw:
:evil: :guns: :asshat: :slug:
