Key On Engine Off (KOEO) = (O)
Key On Engine Running (KOER) = (R)
Continuous Memory = (C) also refered to as Keep Alive (KA) codes
these codes are displayed after the KOEO codes are displayed and followed by code 10 seperator.
you can check the codes using a test light, or analog volt meter.
read about that here:
11) system pass (O)(R)(C)
12) cannot control RPM during engine running self-test high RPM check (R)
13) cannot control RPM during engine running self-test low RPM check (R)
14) PIP circuit failure (C)
15) ECM read only memory test failed (O)
ECM keep alive memory test failed (C)
16) Igintion Diagnostic Monitor(IDM) signal not recieved (O)
RPM too low to perform HEGO test (R)
17) RPM below self-test limit with ISC off (R)
18) SPOUT circuit open or Spark Angle Word(SAW)circuit failure (R)
Loss of tach input/IDM circuit failure/SPOUT circuit grounded (C)
19) Failure to ECM internal voltage (O)
RPM erratic, dropped too low during test (R)
Cylinder Identification(CID) circuit failure (C)
21) ECT out of self-test range (O)(R)(C)
22) Map/Baro out of self-test range (O)(R)(C)
23) TPS out of self-test range (O)(R)(C)
24) ACT or VAT input out of self-test range (O)(R)
26) MAF or VAF input out of self-test range (O)(R)
28) Loss of primary tach(IDM) - right side (C)
29) insufficient input from VSS (C)
31) EVP or PFE circuit below minimum Voltage (O)(R)(C)
32) EGR valve not seated (R)(C)
EVP voltage below closed limit(SONIC)/EPT circuit voltage low (PFE) (O)(R)(C)
33) EGR valve opening not detected (R)(C)
34) Insufficient EGR flow/Excessive exhaust back pressure; or EVP voltage above closed limit(SONIC)/PFE sensor voltage high or out of range. (O)(R)(C)
35) EVP circuit below minimum voltage (O)(R)(C)
41) HEGO circuit indicates system lean (right HEGO) (R)
No HEGO switch detected - always lean (right HEGO) (C)
42) HEGO circuit indicates system rich (right HEGO) (R)
No HEGO switch detected - always rich (right HEGO) (C)
43) HEGO lean at wide open throttle (C)
44) Secondary air injection system inoperative - right side (R)
45) Secondary air injection upstream during self test (R)
46) Secondary air injection Not by-passed durning self test (R)
49) Spout signal defaulted to 10 degrees BTDC (C)
51) ECT sensor fault or open circuit (O)(C)
53) TPS circuit above maximum voltage (O)(C)
54) ACT sensor fault or circuit open (O)(C)
55) Key power input to ECM is open (R)
61) ECT sensor or circuit grounded (O)(C)
63) TPS circuit below minimum voltage (O)(C)
64) ACT sensor fault or circuit grounded (O)(C)
65) Never went to closed loop fuel (C)
67) NDS circuit open; A/C input high (O)(R)
70) EEC-IV data transmission (DCL) (C)
72) Insufficient MAP/BP output change during dynamic response test (R)
73) Insufficient throttle position change (O)
Insufficient TPS output change during dynamic response test (R)
74) Brake On/Off circuit failure - not actuated during test (R)
75) Brake On/Off cicuit closed - always high (R)
77) Brief WOT not sensed during Self-Test/Operator error (R)
79) A/C or Defrost on during Self-test (O)
84) EGR vacuum regulator (EVR) circuit failure (O)(R)
85) Adaptive fuel lean limit reached (C)
cannister purge circuit failure (O)(R)
86) Adaptive fuel rich limit reached (C)
87) Fuel pump primary circuit failure (O)(R)(C)
91) HEGO circuit indicates system lean (left HEGO) (R)
No HEGO switch detected (Left HEGO) (C)
92) HEGO circuit indicates system rich (left HEGO) (R)
94) Secondary air injection system inoperative (left side) (R)
95) Fuel pump secondary circuit failure (O)(C)
98) Hard fault is present - FMEM mode (R)
99) EEC system has not learned to control idle (R)
Key On Engine Running (KOER) = (R)
Continuous Memory = (C) also refered to as Keep Alive (KA) codes
these codes are displayed after the KOEO codes are displayed and followed by code 10 seperator.
you can check the codes using a test light, or analog volt meter.
read about that here:
11) system pass (O)(R)(C)
12) cannot control RPM during engine running self-test high RPM check (R)
13) cannot control RPM during engine running self-test low RPM check (R)
14) PIP circuit failure (C)
15) ECM read only memory test failed (O)
ECM keep alive memory test failed (C)
16) Igintion Diagnostic Monitor(IDM) signal not recieved (O)
RPM too low to perform HEGO test (R)
17) RPM below self-test limit with ISC off (R)
18) SPOUT circuit open or Spark Angle Word(SAW)circuit failure (R)
Loss of tach input/IDM circuit failure/SPOUT circuit grounded (C)
19) Failure to ECM internal voltage (O)
RPM erratic, dropped too low during test (R)
Cylinder Identification(CID) circuit failure (C)
21) ECT out of self-test range (O)(R)(C)
22) Map/Baro out of self-test range (O)(R)(C)
23) TPS out of self-test range (O)(R)(C)
24) ACT or VAT input out of self-test range (O)(R)
26) MAF or VAF input out of self-test range (O)(R)
28) Loss of primary tach(IDM) - right side (C)
29) insufficient input from VSS (C)
31) EVP or PFE circuit below minimum Voltage (O)(R)(C)
32) EGR valve not seated (R)(C)
EVP voltage below closed limit(SONIC)/EPT circuit voltage low (PFE) (O)(R)(C)
33) EGR valve opening not detected (R)(C)
34) Insufficient EGR flow/Excessive exhaust back pressure; or EVP voltage above closed limit(SONIC)/PFE sensor voltage high or out of range. (O)(R)(C)
35) EVP circuit below minimum voltage (O)(R)(C)
41) HEGO circuit indicates system lean (right HEGO) (R)
No HEGO switch detected - always lean (right HEGO) (C)
42) HEGO circuit indicates system rich (right HEGO) (R)
No HEGO switch detected - always rich (right HEGO) (C)
43) HEGO lean at wide open throttle (C)
44) Secondary air injection system inoperative - right side (R)
45) Secondary air injection upstream during self test (R)
46) Secondary air injection Not by-passed durning self test (R)
49) Spout signal defaulted to 10 degrees BTDC (C)
51) ECT sensor fault or open circuit (O)(C)
53) TPS circuit above maximum voltage (O)(C)
54) ACT sensor fault or circuit open (O)(C)
55) Key power input to ECM is open (R)
61) ECT sensor or circuit grounded (O)(C)
63) TPS circuit below minimum voltage (O)(C)
64) ACT sensor fault or circuit grounded (O)(C)
65) Never went to closed loop fuel (C)
67) NDS circuit open; A/C input high (O)(R)
70) EEC-IV data transmission (DCL) (C)
72) Insufficient MAP/BP output change during dynamic response test (R)
73) Insufficient throttle position change (O)
Insufficient TPS output change during dynamic response test (R)
74) Brake On/Off circuit failure - not actuated during test (R)
75) Brake On/Off cicuit closed - always high (R)
77) Brief WOT not sensed during Self-Test/Operator error (R)
79) A/C or Defrost on during Self-test (O)
84) EGR vacuum regulator (EVR) circuit failure (O)(R)
85) Adaptive fuel lean limit reached (C)
cannister purge circuit failure (O)(R)
86) Adaptive fuel rich limit reached (C)
87) Fuel pump primary circuit failure (O)(R)(C)
91) HEGO circuit indicates system lean (left HEGO) (R)
No HEGO switch detected (Left HEGO) (C)
92) HEGO circuit indicates system rich (left HEGO) (R)
94) Secondary air injection system inoperative (left side) (R)
95) Fuel pump secondary circuit failure (O)(C)
98) Hard fault is present - FMEM mode (R)
99) EEC system has not learned to control idle (R)